Six Weeks Later // Storybrooke

Start from the beginning

"I vaguely remember that conversation on our way to Neverland," Kyla said, thinking back to what felt like a simpler time. Which then, made her think of Pan. 

"But I don't want to be a villain anymore. Or treated like one," Regina explained. 

"No, I understand. You've done so much good, so why do Snow and Emma get their happy endings and you have to suffer? You didn't ask for any of this," she said. 

"I knew you'd understand," Regina said with a smile. She was thankful for Kyla. "Have I ever apologized for the past?" 

"You don't need to," Kyla said. "Trust me, it's all water under the bridge." 

"You really are the best, aren't you?" 

Kyla shrugged and they both chuckled. 

"So, you want my help?" Kyla asked. 

"I don't really know where to start," Regina said. 

Kyla turned, seeing Blue sitting at a booth by herself. She was tense, as always. 

"We can always ask the Blue Fairy. Other than Emma, she has the lightest magic there is. And she's been around forever, so she might know something." 

Regina looked over at her, hesitant. 

"Yeah, after everything I've done, I really doubt she's going to want to help me in any way," she said. 

"You'll never know unless you try," Kyla said. 

"Try what?" Henry asked as he approached the two. 

"Asking the Blue Fairy for help with the author," Kyla told him. Henry's eyes lit up. 

"Are you going to help?" He asked. 

"That I am," she said with a smirk. 

Regina stood up, taking the blank book back and beginning to walk to Blue, but she hesitated. 

"Go on, mom," Henry said, kindly, "ask." 

Kyla also stood up, standing next to Regina as Henry took a seat next to Blue. The look on Blue's face was anger, but inside, she was feeling nervous. 

"Excuse me?" Regina said to Blue, "Can I ask you something?" 

"What can I do for you?" Blue asked, setting her cup of coffee down on the table. Emma walked over, noticing something going on. 

Regina handed her the book, asking if she knew what it was. 

"Where did you get this?" Blue asked, shock covering her face. 

"The Sorcerer's mansion," Emma said, "Henry found dozens of these blank books there." 

"The Sorcerer is here?" Blue asked, fear. She felt fear. 

Henry explained that they hadn't found him yet. Regina explained that she wanted the Sorcerer to give her a happy ending, which Blue understood, but she told them that instead of looking for the Sorcerer, they needed to look for the Author. 

"Aren't they the same person?" Emma asked. 

"They are two very different people," Blue explained. 

"So," Regina said, sliding into the booth, "you know who the Author is." 

"No," Blue said, "but I do know he exists." 

Kyla turned her head at that point, hearing something in the back of her mind.

Screaming? What else was new? 

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