"What's this one?" The small group turn away from their own conversation to see Kat holding another yellow aged book, her fingers tracing the unfamiliar writing that was etched onto the front.

With Emilie putting the book in her hands back into its rightful spot on the shelf, her and the other two next to her side come over to stand behind Kat, the short woman turning around from the table she was near to hand BZ the thick book.

"I can't read the cover, it's written in a different language." Kat continues with a frown, her stare stuck on the front of the ancient book that BZ held delicately.

"It's written in the ancient language, Ninjargon. The language was used many centuries ago, it's almost died out." BZ dusts the book off, a deep frown set on his face. He turns away from the women and slowly makes his way to a shelf placed to the far left, sliding the novel into an empty slot.

"You going to tell us about it?" Jade persists, itching to know more. She's heard of the language before, Sensei Wu had many scrolls written in the difficult writing. Though he's never offered to teach anyone about it, maybe other than Lloyd from what she knew.

"'Extinct Elementals: For Better Or Worse'." BZ tries to wipe the grimace off his face, knowing now that the three women before him had a yearning for knowledge, and he didn't feel like explaining more about his discomfort for the certain topic. "Let's get back on track, you wanted to know more about your descendants?"

With everyone else busy, the kitchen was also bustling with movement. BC had been cooking steadily before Maddy had decided to keep him company. He was so use to just him being in the kitchen, sometime BZ coming in to steal something before he was rushed out with a knife, so he was easily distracted with someone else hovering over his shoulders.

"I can see if the noodles are ready!" Maddy eagerly strides over to stand by the stove, right next to BC, a fork in her hand as she goes to fish a spaghetti noodle out of the boiling water.


BC watches with an amused grin on his face as Maddy pulls her throbbing hand away from the pot, rubbing at her tender wrist. "Don't touch." He simply shrugs, going over to wash the stainless steel tongs in the sink after using them to slap Maddy's hand away.

"That was uncalled for." She sniffs with a frown, dropping her hands to her sides as she watches the Bizzaro in front of her go back to stirring the noodles, "So, what am I supposed to do? Stand here and watch?"

"You can make yourself useful and set the table." BC grunts out, taking the pot off the stove to drains the noodles of the water, the spaghetti mince and sauce being left to simmer.

Rolling her eyes, Maddy busies herself with searching the kitchen cupboards for the plates. It didn't take too long for her to find them, grabbing the right amount for everyone in the house before placing them neatly on the dining room table. Once that was done, she fetches the forks and manages to find some napkins at the same time.

"Grab some grated cheese while you're at it." The woman turns to send BC a glare, dropping the last fork onto the napkin placed on the table. The man had only glared back as he passes her to set the noodles on the table.

"It wouldn't hurt to say please, you know." Maddy mutters to herself, not caring if he heard her or not. She moves around the table to open the fridge, rummaging around until she grabs a bag of grated cheese.

When she drops the cheese to the table by the pots of spaghetti noodles and sauce, her eyes widen at the spoon being held out in front of her. "Taste it." BC grunts, carmine eyes studying her face as she takes the spoon and places the sauce into her mouth after a second of hesitation.

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