The only place left was the spot on the tail was… Also known as… The ‘ass’ ...

Ye Ci looked up atthe sky and prepared herself mentally. As long as she was able to defeat this monster, she was willing to try anything.

Ye Ci gave up on attacking from a distance after taking their level differences into account. Besides, the weak spot was too small for her to hit accurately. Instead, she chose to use her Venomous Scorpion Stinger for melee attacks.

Attacks delivered by the Venomous Scorpion Stinger had a chance of poisoning its target. Once poisoned, the target will continuously receive poison damage that ignored level differences.

Ye Ci walked up to the Armored Giant Tortoise and planted a Frost Trap. She then backed off and fired an arrow at the monster.

The arrow hit the Armored Giant Tortoise that was still sleeping. It opened its eyes and studied its surroundings, looking for whoever or whatever that had dared to disturbed its nap time. It saw Ye Ci and let out an angry roar. The BOSS began to ‘charge’ towards Ye Ci at the ‘speed of light’.

It took two steps forward, stepping on the Frost Trap planted by Ye Ci earlier. The BOSS was instantly frozen. Ye Ci ran towards the back of the big block of ice, resisting the urge of taking a selfie with the biggest block of ice she had ever created.

Ye Ci dashed to the location of the Armored Giant Tortoise’s tail and stabbed its backside repeatedly.




Damage values floated in Ye Ci’s vision, along with a poisoned indicator that showed that the BOSS was poisoned. The ice entrapping the Armored Giant Tortoise immediately disintegrated. It roared and attempted to turn around to attack Ye Ci. However, she immediately released Ol’ Three to attract the aggro. She leaped away, spun around in midair, and shot an arrow aimed at the base of the Tortoise’s neck.


The attack triggered another poison attack, which stacked with the previous one.

The arrow damaged the Armored Giant Tortoise. It released the near-dead Ol’ Three and charged towards Ye Ci, who kited the BOSS in circles with Ol’ Three attacking its tail.

The entire situation was somewhat comical.

Ye Ci’s strategy was simple. That was the only thing she could come up with against a BOSS that had no known BUG. She put a distance between the BOSS and herself, then planted a Frost Trap whenever it was off CD. The BOSS would then get frozen and she would repeat the process of attacking its backside again and again as she had previously done.

Slowly, the HP of the Armored Giant Tortoise dropped. It was only a matter of time before it was defeated.

It took Ye Ci almost 8 hours to chip away the HP of the Armored Giant Tortoise to 8% of its HP left. If she could hold on for another half an hour, Ye Ci would be able to defeat the Armored Giant Tortoise.

However, at that moment, Ye Ci felt a presence 10 meters away from her. In a flash, that feeling once again appeared directly behind her. She subconsciously shifted her body and heard a system notification chiming in, “You’ve sucessfully avoided an attack from Lazy Blue.”

Lazy Blue was an Orcish Rogue. When he cast Staggering Blow on Ye Ci, he would be forced out of Stealth. He was surprised that his attack missed. He hesitated briefly, which was enough time for Ye Ci to dart away and put up some distance between them.

In combat, a player could not enter Stealth. The first thing the Rogue did after noticing Ye Ci’s disappearance was to look around to locate her. The moment the Rogue caught sight of Ye Ci, two arrows buried themselves into his body, almost taking away his life. He immediately drank a health potion and retreated.

Ye Ci did not know the Rogue, nor could she possibly have any grudges with him. The only possible reason for him to appear at this place and time was for the Armored Giant Tortoise. They must’ve been hiding for a long time, awaiting the right moment to strike as Ye Ci tired herself out.

But if the Rogue was here for the Armored Giant Tortoise, why would he retreat immediately after getting hit by two arrows? What if…

Ye Ci’s heart sank as the HP of the Rogue was filled up immediately.

A Cleric was nearby.

In a fight against a Wild BOSS, there would be more players than merely a Cleric and a Rogue.

As expected, three more players appeared. One of them was a Human Warrior, an Undead Sorcerer and a Human Cleric. She narrowed her eyes, and began formulating a strategy.

The Warrior used Charge on Ye Ci as soon as he spotted her.

A Warrior’s Charge was very different from the Charge skill possessed by Ye Ci’s boots. The active skill carried by Ye Ci’s boots was solely for escape. A Warrior’s charge would stun its target if the skill hit.

What is the deciding factor in a PK?

A player’s adaptability and the player’s ability to predict his or her enemy’s movements.

Ye Ci had expected a Charge from the Warrior. She immediately dismissed Ol’ Three and the Armored Giant Tortoise immediately made its way towards Ye Ci. She released a Decoy with the Warrior as the intended substitute. With a roar, the Armored Giant Tortoise changed its course towards the warrior.

Ye Ci placed herself at the position where the Armored Giant Tortoise and the Warrior would collide. The success of her strategy depended on being at the correct place at the correct time and…

The moment the Warrior and the Armored Giant Tortoise collided, Ye Ci immediately activated Feigned Death.

Her body fell onto the ground like a ragged doll, just like a real corpse.

Everything happened so fast that nobody was able to notice anything peculiar. The Warrior was the only one who witnessed Ye Ci’s supposed death.

He was distracted by the sudden drop of his HP and was alarmed. He immediately associated the gigantic tortoise in front of him with the sudden damage he received.

“This guy’s damage is just crazy! Hurry! Heal me!” with Ye Ci feigning death, along with the use of Decoy which transferred all her aggro towards the Warrior, the poor Warrior became the focus of the BOSS’s attention. Even with his tough defenses, a lvl 20 Warrior could never withstand the attacks from a lvl 40 Wild BOSS. This was why he had shouted out in panic…

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