Chapter 43

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When one was in the dark and suddenly given a little taste of light, that person often times would never want to go back to that dark place again

Miserable was what Tyler felt whenever he was in his apartment,the dullness vibe that illuminated his room for the past three years had taken over his house

The place that was lively and full of light turned to a haunted house, he couldn't stand it

Sure his friends made it lively when they came through but only for a few hours and then he'd be back to the deadly silence and darkness again

He sighed

He thought Alex would cool off steam and come back home but he was wrong, he miscalculated her moves

After a day had passed he tried talking to her but she was very talented with avoiding his presence

Now he was only waiting for her to show up when she was ready, and she was taking forever

"Mr Nowels?"

He looked up

The lecture tilted his head as he looked at him expectantly

He had completely zoned the lecture out, not wanting to embarrass himself, he acted as he always did

Acted natural

"It'll be good for you if you focus Mr Nowels, I do not want any of my students slacking at this point're graduating next year"

"Don't worry Prof, he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed ... he'll catch up" Mte tapped his back

Tyler let out a silent sigh

"He better" The Professor warned

"Focus" Mte whispered

The class went on with the lecture saying this and that but he couldn't help zoning out once in a while

He wondered if he'd ever have a normal happy relationship in his life, when everything seemed well he unknowingly decided to mess things up

One thing was certain though, he was going to fix this current relationship of his. No matter what he wasn't going to lose Alex

"Have a good afternoon" The Professor said and walked out of the classroom

"What's on your mind" Mte asked as he started packing his books

Tyler looked at him before looking away and mimicked his best friend's actions

Wasn't it obvious, Alex had been constant in his mind. It was clear as day to anyone who knew about his relationship life

He slung his bag to his shoulder and stood up

"Look man don't worry she's gonna come around, she can't hide forever" Mte said as the began descending down the steps

"Yeah man whatever" Tyler said

Mte waved at someone at the door grabbing Tyler's attention, Zack stood there starring at his phone

"Ah mayne why'd he have to get Molly" a guy wearing a red t-shirt in front of them said catching the two boys attention

"Sheesh bruh what I'd do to that hot chicca if she was single" the guy's friend responded

"You could still hit that Chad"

Tyler clenched his hands at the foolish response he heard

"I doubt it Roddie she plays too hard to get"

"Where's your game dude-"

The guy didn't finish his sentence, he was dragged backwards and fell down before rolling down the remaining three steps of the class corridor

His vision was blurry as a face came before him

"You should take a look around before you start talking rubbish in public" Mte said

The guy coughed and got up sitting down and touched the back of his head where he felt pain the most

"Sheesh man you got a problem?" Chad shouted as he walked up to the three challengingly

Tyler turned around and stood tall before the 5'9 guy with raised eyebrows

"I would leave right now if I were you" Mte said as he stood up from his squatting position

"I don't think that's necessary" Zack said as he blocked the door "what were these retards talking about that made Tyler act like that" he tilted his head

"What's your business in what we were talking about?" Roddie winced as he stood up

"You're new here I see" Tyler said his eyes still on Chad

"Yeah mature entry this sem, got a problem with that?" Roddie spit harshly

"Chad here is planning on chowing your girl Zack" Tyler said before turning to look at Roddie "I got a problem with that" he glared

Before anyone gave out a response there was a sound of impact and Chad was on the floor with an angry Zack on him punching his face continuously

"Hey! Zack!" Mte shouted as he ran to the two boys

"What the hell!" Roddie shouted as he dashed there but was caught by the collar and thrown like he didn't weigh 90Kg

His body hit the white board on full impact before falling to the floor

Mte grabbed Zack's arm making it look like he was stopping the fight, in true sense he had no intentions of stopping the fight at all, the suckers had it coming

With no time Tyler reached Roddie and delivered a few kicks before Roddie grabbed his leg and pulled him down

"Shi!" Tyler bit his tongue before hitting his head on the whiteboard and falling down

Roddie jumped on him and landed one fist on his jaw, delivering another one Tyler caught it and turned them around before punching him again and AG-

"Guys stop" Tyler heard a feminine say

"Zack please stop!"


Tyler's fist stopped mid air at the sound of the voice that called his name, he whipped his head at the source of the sound

Alex flinched at the expression on Tyler's face, his eyes soften when she reached his peripheral vision

Roddie took that as an opportunity and pushed Tyler off of him before running out of the classroom

Alex rushed to him and sat down inspecting his face with tears in her eyes

"Are you alright?" she said her face full of worry

Tyler couldn't answer, he watched her as tears ran down her face

"Why do you always have to fight! Can't you solve your issues without violence for once!?" She sniffed

Tyler put his finger on her chin, he tilted her head to look at him causing her to freeze in her tracks

He smiled

He cupped her cheek and wiped her tears with his thumb before making her lean to his face placing her lips on this


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