Chapter 18

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Alex looked out of the window as the car drove home

She was seated at the backseat with Tyler next to her while Lillian sat on the front seat  next to a driving Mte

There was silence in the car, except for the slow gospel music playing in low volume

Promises by Maverick City was on repeat

Watching the buildings move backwards outside the window, Alex recalled a sentence the pastor had spoken earlier that day

Truth sets you free, be honest at all times. The LORD wants us to be honest and truthful to ourselves but also to others, truth makes things easier than lies

He was right, Alex had dragged the truth for far too long

Keeping the truth from Louis only made things worse as each day passed by

She had to tell him how she felt about him and put their relationship to an end, their relationship wasn't going to work out

Not when she has feelings for the boy seating next to her

She let out a breath as she put her hand on her racing heart, she wanted to be with the one her heart raced for

"Our plan still on?" Mte asked his eyes on the road

"Yeah" Lillian smiled

Lillian decided to take a turn in her relationship life for once, she decided to look for other alternatives

Mte was that

They had planned on going to the movies after church, she was going to give him a chance

Mte had always been there for Lillian, she didn't know how but he somehow noticed whenever she was sad and made his mission to make her smile

She was grateful with the fact that Mte went after her that Friday



Lillian walked fast to the elevator tears in her eyes


She entered the elevator and it was about to close when a hand suddenly opened and Mte entered

The elevator closed

Lillian pressed the number of the floor below them and stayed silent

She wanted to be alone, she wanted to process what just transpired in front of her a few minutes ago


"I don't wanna talk about it Mte" Lillian said trying hard to control herself from crying

Mte sighed

The elevator opened and they both exited

The floor had four doors unlike Tyler's floor

The first door to the right was Mte's, the second was Zack's and the first one to the left was Lillian's and the last one was Darren's Zack's best friend

Lillian walked to her door slowly and tiredly

It was clear, what happened drained a her energy

She opened her door and entered, she was about to close when she saw Mte in her doorway

"Mte please" she pleaded

"I can't leave you alone in this state" he said

"I don't-"

"I know you don't want to talk about it, we won't ...just let me be here for you"

Lillian stood there, her hand on the doorknob thinking of why he was doing this

Why was he always there when Tyler pulled a stunt on her

He always cleaned up the mess Tyler created and made her feel better

And here he was doing it again

"Alright come in" Lillian opened the door wide

She closed the door as soon as Mte entered and leaned on it closing her eyes

Mte watched Lillian as she slid down the door and pulled her legs to her chest

He didn't think the dare would affect her that much

If he knew, he wouldn't have gone through with it

But she had to accept the fact that Tyler didn't like her, she was making things toxic for herself

"Look Lillian" he started "I'm sorry for hurting you"

"It's not your fault Mte" Lillian sniffed

Mte squatted in front of her

"I'm not one to interfere with people's matters but ...stop getting yourself hurt on purpose, you know he doesn't like you. It'd be best if you focused on somebody who cares for you and gives you his undivided attention ...crying here won't fix anything"

Mte was right

As much as she didn't want to accept or admit that fact, he was right

Tyler hadn't even given her his attention for the three years she had known him

They barely spoke

It was hard to admit but they would never have worked even if she happened to make Tyler hers

She had to stop crushing on him, it was high time she did

Tyler kissing Alex back was her last straw

She had never seen Tyler with a girl excluding the ones in their group let alone welcome any in his house

Tyler surely had a soft spot for Alex

There was something going on between them, otherwise they wouldn't kiss like that for sure

Lillian looked  at Mte, his eyes held concern for her

He was always concerned for her, he was a good person and she wondered why she didn't like him instead

He had the good looks too

She wiped her tears and sniffed

"You're right" she nodded "I think it's high time I leave him be, he's not for me it's clear"

Mte gave her a small smile

Attempting to stand, Lillian held his wrist causing Mte to look at her

"I think ...I need a hug" she said looking down

Mte looked shocked but pulled her in his arms regardless for a tight embrace

End of flashback

Lillian thought he left but she was surprised when she found him in his living room the next evening

They talked and chilled a lot for the first time in three years

She was surprised when she found out that Mte wasn't that bad, even though he was a quiet person, he was fun when you got to know him

He asked her to go out to the movies with when he was about to leave

Mte had done a lot for her, it wouldn't hurt to go out with him after all he did for her

Lillian looked at the rearview mirror her objective being to look at Tyler

To her disappointment she found him staring at Alex

Lillian looked away immediately

How could she not see, it was clear he liked Alex, a silent breath escaped her lips

She made a decision right then and there not to be in their way for their love story that was about to begin


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