Chapter 34

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Would it be obsession to say you yearned for a certain someone? You wished them to sit beside you laugh, talk and perhaps lay with you

Tyler had nothing but wanted Alex to be right beside her as he chilled with his family

It had been weeks since he last saw her, by the looks of it she was doing fine according to her Instagram posts

Family outings, dates with Angelo, good times with her parents, all happy smiles her side while she knew nothing about him thirty minutes away craving for her presence

"Why are you so quiet Ty" seven year old Love startled her


The name he few to like, she had called him that a few times on that night

Tyler smiled

"You're being weird T" six year old Amber said as she sat next to him

Tyler was currently at his brother's home where all his siblings and families had met for a good old chat

They'd have one of those every once Ina while, Tyler had unwillingly made himself present by the emotional blackmail from his two nieces of course

They were sitting by the pool in Terrence's backyard the little children's legs barely touching the water while Tyler's legs were in water

His brother was swimming with his wife while his in law Fred sat with his eleven year old son Chisomo on the chairs in the pavement, his sister Teresa was in the kitchen with her two sons Albert and Andrew with Fiona preparing some snacks with the maids

"Am I?" Tyler raised his eyebrows

"Uh-huh" Love nodded "Is something wrong Ty!"

He looked at his little worried nieces smiling, how was he going to tell them he hadn't spoken to a girl for three weeks and it was eating him up

Rather how was he to tell them the girl he liked had just broken up with a boy and he was giving her time to heal

"I'm okay, was just thinking some cool stuff" he shot them a smile

The little girls grinned as they nodded

"Amber!" Fred beckoned his daughter

"Yes Dad!" She shouted as she got up and ran to her father

"Are you really okay Ty? You have been silent very much"

Tyler chuckled, the little girl was very observant right

"I'm okay" he assured her as he tapped her cheek

"If you say so ...BUT!" Love pointed her finger at him "if something's wrong tell me okay?"

Tyler nodded

"I will" he smiled

"Okay" she stood up "I'll go see where the cookies are now" she said as she walked inside the house

Tyler sighed as he looked at his legs, had he been that open to the little children

"OOORRR" he was startled again as Jeanah wrapped her arms around Tyler's neck "it's a girl"

Tyler let out an aspirated laugh

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop MJ" Tyler said as he looked at the phone in her hands

"Oh come on" she rolled her eyes as she placed her chin on his shoulder "you think I don't know about the girl that's all over your phone and laptop?"

Jeanah raised her phone in an attempt to take a selfie

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