Chapter 19

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"So what's up this afternoon" Molly asked as her friends got out of the cars

"I ...don't think I'll be around, I gotta go check how the construction's going" Fiona said

"I won't be available either" Lillian added

"Neither will I-" Mte said

"Wow didn't we plan to chill together though? Breaking-"

"Oh come on babe" Zack said as he pulled Molly to his side

"Cut them some slack they've got things to do"

"Yeah but-"

"You're spending the afternoon with me" he said with no room for discussions

"Well we gotta go, see you guys" Mte said as he opened his car door before entering

Lillian followed suit not before waving the group goodbye

"Is there something going on between those two?" Fiona asked

"And if there is?" Tyler raised his eyebrows with his all serious face

"Well I don't know, since when-"

"It's not the first time they've gone somewhere together Fii" Tyler said

Alex looked up at the mention of the nickname she uses to call Fiona

She never saw Tyler as someone who would call Fiona like that let alone anybody

As surprised as she was, she understood

They were related after all

"Let them be" Tyler concluded before he turned around and started walking to the elevator

"Wow what's up with him?" Fiona said

"Surprised you still haven't gotten used to his gloomy self"

Fiona sighed as she shook her head

"See you guys tomorrow" she waved

"So" Alex asked as she waved back

"Tell you when I come back" Fiona smiled before getting into her car

"Can't we hang with Ty and Lexie?" Molly gave Zack a puppy dog look

"No" Zack pecked her pouted lips


"I think you guys should go" Alex said her hands on her elbows smiling

"You don't wanna hang out with us Lexie?" Molly asked

"It'll pretty much be me third willing so no, I'm good" She said as they both made their way to the elevator

"You know that's not true" Zack let out an offended chuckle

"It's true" Alex said

They entered the elevetor and they both pressed the buttons of their destination

"I don't think we've ever made anyone feel like th-"

"Save it Zack" Alex shook her head chuckling "you guys are practically on each other all the time"

"No we're not"

Alex looked at him with raised eyebrows as silence hit the room

He looked at his girlfriend who had her left arm wrapped half of his back and his right wrapped her shoulders

Zack looked into Molly's eyes and everything around him became invisible

It was just him and Molly

The most beautiful girl on the planet, the girl he never thought he'd have

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