Chapter 39

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An hour had passed since the boys left Alex and Lillian, they did not have much to do which led them to watching movies until their friends showed up

"You know I'd watch this movie again after finishing it" Alex said as she munchied on her pop corn

"Is it because of the prince? Cause honestly I can't get enough of him and his eyes" Lillian fanned herself with her hand

"The prince is meh" Alex shrugged "I just love this Cinderella movie, the story is awesome"

"Excuse me?" Lillian got up on her elbows and looked at Alex "did you just meh the prince?"

"Yeah he's not that pretty pretty" Alex said as she sipped on her drink with her stroll

"Dude" Lillian looked at her friend in bewilderment

"What?" Alex looked at her

"How can you say that?" Lillian sat upright "unless you've seen better"

Alex smiled at the last sentence, indeed she had seen better and the best part was he was his

Lillian narrowed her eyes as she looked Alex

"Is there something you're not tell us?" Lillian asked

"Ah girl" Alex chuckled shyly

Lillian raised her eyebrows as she started smiling

"New guy?" She asked

Alex closed her eyes as she nodded her head her smile not faltering on her face

"Omg" Lillian squirrelled "who is he?" She asked excited


The front door opened and in came Tyler with his usual blank face, he closed the door and walked straight to the kitchen to search for a box he put in one of the drawers a few months ago

The topic the girls were talking about was thrown out the window immediately Tyler showed up

"Hey" Alex said

Tyler looked up, he hadn't noticed the girls in the living room

"Hi" he said

"What are you looking for?" Alex asked

"First aid box"

"Oh" she stood up "I left it the bathroom yesterday" she said as she made her way to Tyler's room

He stopped her on the hallway entrance

"Don't bother I'll get it" Tyler said as he walked out of the kitchen "Mte's waiting for you"

"Huh?" Lillian was startled

She had zoned out for a second, she had sat there wondering when had Tyler started pulling out conversations with girls

Tyler looked at her in no mood to repeat himself

"He said Mte's waiting for you" Alex repeated for him

"Oh" Lillian got up "I'll see you guys later"

"Okay" Alex smiled

Lillian walked to the door and placed her hand on the door knob, she eyed the two before opening the door and seeing herself out

Tyler sighed

"Are you okay?" Alex asked

She had noticed a sour mood from him immediately he entered the front door

"Yeah" he said as he walked to her

"I don't think you're okay" she said concerned

"Drop it Alex" he rudely said annoyed

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