Chapter 7

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Alex smiled as she approached Louis who stood outside Patty's

"Hey" she gave him a quick hug

"Hey" he smiled "Nowels Apartment Building? Very impressive" he said with an impressive look

"Well like I said, living with a friend" Alex smiled

She was lazy to explain the whole situation about how Fiona wasn't the owner of the house

It was unnecessary to explain anyway

A mere thought of him made her tummy flip, it gave me butterflies


Louis raised his eyebrows with a smirk on his face "you know I know a Fiona in that building too" he said


"Yeah, might be the same Fiona you know" he said

"Naaah they're probably a few Fionas in there" Alex chuckled

"Yeah?" He tilted his head

"Yep" she nodded

Alex eyed Patty's door "well I'm ready for the tour and this seems like a good place to start" she looked back at him

"This isn't the most interesting place trust me" he chuckled

"Can we at least look inside"

"Sure" he said as he led the way

They both walked in the already opened doors

A wave of calmness hit Alex immediately she entered the room, the place was filled with chatter from the tables where the people sat with a classic piano music in the background

"Wow" she whispered

Her eyes wandered around admiring everything that was in her peripheral vision

The restaurant had red walls with black booths to the walls and red tables with black chairs near the wall length window, the floor had white tiles

A few people sat here and there doing their thing uninterested that the two just walked in

"This is actually a nice place" she complimented

"Pshh not really, it's just some old restaurant where nerds hang out in silence" he rolled his eyes before grabbing Alex's hand "come on let me show you the real deal"

With that they walked out

"This place is place is right on campus" Louis said walking backwards ahead of her

"Oh that's pretty close"

"Yeah" he said stopping by a car "but we're riding there" he smiled

Louis opened the passenger door and looked at her

"Well? Ready?" He gave her a questioning look

Alex nodded her smile not faltering as she entered the car

They talked about light conversations as they drove to the campus, like usual Alex found herself laughing at his jokes and enjoying his presence

She loved the fact that they were spending time together and if anything she thought she was starting to like Louis

"And here we are" Louis said as he turned off the ignition

"Wow" Alex said her eyes wide at the view in front of her "the school's huge"

"Yeah well, meh" Louis shrugged

The car park was in front of the university, to the far left were two five story buildings next to it was a stylish building of the same height taking almost part of the whole campus and a three storey building to the right

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