Chapter 38

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A few days had passed since Tyler and Alex relationship had started, they were happy

Their friends hadn't found out about their relationship since it was a busy week full of registration for new classes and being forced to escort Jeanah to the orientation

This gave the couple more time to spend with each other and bond

It was morning and Alex was preparing breakfast in the kitchen

"Hey" Tyler said as he showed up from the hallway

"Hey" she said as she made a mountain of pancakes

"Face" He said as he stood beside her

"Huh?" Alex looked at Tyler

Tyler pecked her lips and pulled away, Alex smiled at him as she smiled at his childish antics. It had become a habit for him to kiss her at any time of the day, not just anywhere but her lips only

Suddenly there was a knock at the door

"It's open" Alex shouted

The door opened revealing Mte and Lillian with Jeanah trailing behind them

"Came to leave this one" Mte said as they sat on the stool at the other side of the counter

"I'm glad I skipped orientation week last sem" Alex said as she sat next to Tyler

"Hey guys" Jeanah waved

"Hi" Alex smiled as Tyler gave Jeanah a nod

"Look at you dressed up,you got class?" Lillian asked

Tyler nodded

"You go to class during orientation?" Alex frowned

"You gotta love fourth year" Mte sarcastically said

"So basically it isn't wise for y'all to ditch the first week" Jeanah asked curious

"We can but the consequences are fatal" Mte said

"Then shouldn't Fiona be here?" Alex asked

Tyler looked at Alex as something lit in his mind, he hadn't talked to her for the past five days which is impossible given she's always in his dm bothering him

"Wow I gotta salute her" Jeanah chuckled "role model right there"

"Have any of you talked to her recently?" Tyler asked

"Haven't talked to her for a week" Mte said

"Same here" Lillian followed

Alex frowned

"Is everything okay with her? Last time I checked, talked to her on Friday" she said

There was silence in the room as each of them tried to think if this was a coincidence or something had happened to her

Tyler got up and walked out in a hurry, he opened the front door and exited getting his phone from his pocket

He dialed Fiona's number and put it to his ear

"The number you've dialed is not available, please try again later"

He cut the call and tried again but the same result came out

He stopped on the elevator as he thought of where she could be, Fiona wasn't one to go MIA out of the blue unless something happened

He had class but Fiona was more important at that moment

He dialed her mother's number and put the phone to his ear

"Hey Tyler" Aunt Yolanda said


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