Chapter 23

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Everyone was in their own thoughts as they tried to figure out where their friend might have gone

She left in the morning but never returned home hours later

Sure Alex was old enough not to get lost but they just couldn't help but worry, they cared about her

Mte sat with Lillian on the couch facing the kitchen while Zack and Molly sat opposite them and Tyler sat on the couch facing the screen with Fiona sitting on the flow leaning the couch

"Where did she say she was going?" Molly asked

Tyler sighed

"She didn't say" Fiona said worriedly

"She must've said something at least ...a clue, we can start from there" Mte said

"She said she was going to do what she planned today, I don't know what that means"

Tyler frowned

"That's too broad" Zack sighed

"I hope she's fine" Lillian said

They both went silent again, it was 7 pm, unusual for Alex to be out of the house

She was never one to go out alone, she always took a friend with her if not she'd dramatically drag Mte to escort her wherever she wanted to go

Mte sighed

"I shouldn't have shown her that video" he mumbled

"What video?" Lillian asked

Everyone looked at Mte,

"He's cheating on her ...with Gwen" Mte said

"What!?" Echoed the room from some of them

"I sent her the video and she..."

"Fainted ..she must've gone to Louis!" Fiona finished

Fiona looked at everyone before standing up "we must go ..who knows that's where she is"

"Yeah" Lillian said standing up

"If that's where she is then we don't need to go" Tyler said

"Alex isn't dumb, no way she'd be there" Mte backed Alex up

"This is very confusing" Zack scratched his head

"Can't we just go out there and look for her? We need to start from somewhere" Molly said as she stood up "if she's at Louis then we'll know she's safe rather than sit here and be clueless, besides her phone isn't working that's a sign right there"

Molly was right, she could've communicated if she was around. Alex wasn't one to be offline for that long, she always updated her status on WhatsApp with memes and funny videos, Tyler hadn't seen any of those that day

He acted cool and collected even thought he was going crazy inside, he didn't want anybody to notice how much Alex meant to him

If there was a place he'd rather be at that moment, it was outside his building searching for her like a mad man

He had lost his cool in the morning in front of Fiona, he couldn't risk it again, overreacting again would make Fiona highly suspicious and he hated being an open book to people

"Fine" Tyler stood "we'll go search for her and update you"

"What do you mean update you?" Molly frowned

"It's late, you girls are staying.. let's go guys" he said no room for discussion as he walked to the door

"No we're coming with" Molly insisted

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