Chapter Thirty Two

Start from the beginning

Aden felt the colour drain from his face. He was speechless. What he feared had happened.

"How can you be so sure that she was kidnapped?" It was Evelynn speaking.

The officer looked from her to Aden before speaking again.

"We found video footage of the incident," Collin answered looking at Aden, " One of the tenants from Aïda's complex placed a camera in front of her window about a week ago, after noticing loitering outside the complex at night and early morning."

"Can I see?" Aden finally spoke.
"We'll get to that later. May I continue?" Kannemeyer asked.

Aden just nodded his head.

"The tenant asked the landlord to put in cameras and get security about eight months ago when she first noticed the man. The landlord refused citing budget concerns but he send an email to all the tenants asking them to take extra safety precautions. The tenant says that the loitering stopped for a while but about a month ago she noticed the man again. She decided to make a loan and install the surveillance system in addition to carrying pepper spray."

The officer gulped down a glass of water before continuing.

"The footage that we have is not very clear,  as it was in the middle of that night, that the kidnapping occured and the man had a balaclava on."

Aden cursed. So they had nothing.

"How will you find a masked man?" Evelynn spoke.

Kannemeyer smiled surprisingly his audience.

"Did Miss Völlenhoven ever talk to either of you about being followed?"

Aden's felt tiny little pricks all over his body despite the heater being on in the office.

"No." Aden uttered.
"She didn't tell me anything either." Evelynn said.
"She was stalked and she knew it." Kannemeyer confirmed.
"How? And why didn't she say anything?" Aden asked perplexed.

Kannemeyer looked in his drawer and took out a file.

"I don't know why but I know that she knew. She also gave us our biggest and best clue. She drew several sketches of the man. Some are in colour and others are black and white. She even wrote down notes stating where and when she saw him."

Aden was shocked and on his right Evelynn had started chocking on air.
Kannemeyer poured her a glass of water.

"The coloured sketches are so good and detailed that we will be handing copies of them to the press and to all the police stations in the province."

Aden slided one of the coloured drawings to Aden. It was in a flipfile.

"Don't remove it from the sleeve."

Aden and Evelynn both looked at the man.

"Do either of you recognize him?" Kannemeyer inquired.

"No. He looks like any coloured man on the street." Evelynn answered, dismissively.
"I have to agree with Evelynn. It's only those green eyes that stand out. With his medium skin tone and dark hair he could be anyone on the Cape Flats."
Aden responded.
"You're both right however, according to Aïda's notes, he has a very pecular eyecolour. She wrote down that his eyes are a brilliant green. Almost emerald green. She wrote down that there was a boy in high school with that eyecolour. Does that ring a bell, Mrs Majied?" Kannemeyer asked.

Evelynn folded her arms across her chest. She took another sip of water.

"How would I know? I was not in school with her." Evelynn hissed.
"We went to the same high school for a couple of years," Aden answered, "There were several kids with green and hazel eyes. So you think it was one of them?"
"I don't know. I was hoping that you recognised him, I'm sure that someone knows him. Erm, I can show you the footage now." Kannemeyer stated.
"Yes." Aden said.

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