Chapter Twenty Two

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"Get out now!" Aden's voice reverberated throughout the room.

Aïda casted down her eyes while tears  cascades down her cheeks. She turned to leave.

"Everyone leave, except for Aïda and Tiffany. The rest of you wait for me in the other living room."

Tiffany looked like she would vomit.

"I'm sorry for causing a scene. I hope you guys can forgive me." Aden said, looking at Aïda.
"You should apologize to Tiffany. She's the one you've wronged." Aïda said.
"I want to talk to both of you, Aïda. Erm...I think...maybe the three of us should talk outside. The others can stay."
"I don't see why you'd want to talk to me. I want to go home." Aïda reasoned.
"You'll only know once you actually listen to me, Aïda."

Aïda turned to Mark. He nodded at her as if understanding.

Tiffany started laughing hysterically. All eyes were glued to her.

"Are you okay?" Aden asked Tiffany and seconds later he was in front of her. She smiled at him.

Aïda just wanted to  go home, she's seen enough.

"Mark are you ready?" Aïda asked.
"Yes. Let's go. Erm...thank you for your hospitality,  Aden. I mean it. I had a great afternoon with all of you. Goodnight." Mark said.
"I guess we'll all head out now." Burton said.

Tiffany laughed again.

"I've never treated you badly, Aden. I've always listened to you. I've always had your back so, what do I lack? Why can't you love me? Why is that cook wearing your shirt instead of me? Huh?"

Aïda looked at the jersey on her body as did everyone else. Aden groaned.

"Don't even tell me it's not yours because I know better." Tiffany said.
"It doesn't matter, Tiffany." A tired Aden said.
"It matters. You never gave these jerseys to anyone. You've always said that only the woman you love and your children could wear those. Except of cause the ones you give to charity. You don't have children and you have not given that one to charity." Tiffany said.
"It's only Aden's name on the jersey. He probably got it straight from the supplier. It's not a big deal for him." Burton interjected.

Tiffany clapped her hands. It was Adriaan's turn to groan.

"Burton you and I both know that that is an original jersey. You literally have to be in the national team to get your hands on one. Yet, your friend has one. Why do you think that is, huh? I'll tell you the rea-"
"Tiffany some things should be discussed in private." Aden interrupted her.

Tiffany laughed again and Aïda thought she heard Adriaan murder something along the lines of 'drama queen'

"It should but the woman you dumped me on Christmas for does not want to talk to you in private. I don't think she wants to talk to you at all. How embarrassing." Tiffany said.
"You want Aïda?" Burton asked.

So many emotions went through Aïda all at once but Aden's broken state broke her too.

"Want? No, Burton. He does not only want her but apparently he loves her. I...I mean why else would he leave me for her?"
"Enough!" Aden shouted.
"Why would ant man i-"
"I told you to stop it." Aden had interrupted Tiffany again.

Tiffany walked away from him towards Aïda, Burton, Mark and Vera. She stood in front of Aïda.

" tell me cook, why would any man choose you over me?" Tiffany asked Aïda.
"For starters," Mark answered, "Aïda has better manners."
Tiffany scoffed, "Really? Men only care about one thing: beauty. She lacks that."

When Johanie had walked over to them Aïda hadn't noticed but Tiffany had barely finished speaking when Johanie's tight slap landed across her face. Everyone was stunned.

"Now you may leave my house, Tiffany. I'll get a taxi for you," Aden said, "but first apologize to Aïda."

Tiffany too stunned from the slap only looked at everyone.

Aïda noticed that despite his words, Aden's eyes were full of pity towards Tiffany.

"No. We'll leave. You two should sort this news out." Aïda said.

Adriaan cleared his throat.

"Aïda listen to Aden: the two of you  need to talk. Alone. Please talk to him. You don't have to do it now but please hear him out." Adriaan eyes pleaded.
"I don't interfere in other people's relationships. I'm sorry." Aïda started for the entrance.
"You are right: you are sorry. I still don't know what he sees on you but I'm leaving. This city is too suburban for me." Tiffany concluded while almost walking the other's out of her way.

Just then the reminder for the match that no one wad interested in, anymore, went off.

A few minutes later.

"I'm  really sorry that things turned out this." Aden apologized again.

Tiffany stomped past everyone on her way to an awaiting taxi.

Aden was clearly worried about her as he watched her walk away. Aïda noticed all of it.

"Stop apologizing, okay. It was an unfortunate turn of events but we still had a very good day." Burton assured Aden.
"Yes. Thanks for your hospitality. I had a lovely time." Vera reiterated.
"Goodnight everyone." Mark said.

Everyone except Aïda said her goodbyes. She just smiled at the others and ignored Aden intense gaze.

The Harmses stayed at Aden's a little while longer though it was awkward. They were prepared to stay the night but Aden assured them that he was fine.

"Who are you do desperately trying to get hold of on the phone?" Adriaan asked.
"Don't worry about it. It's not important." Aden answered.
"You've been trying to reach them for the last half an hour. I guess it is important."
"You won't like the answer." Aden said.
"Ah! I knew it. Tiffany." Adriaan said flinging his arms up in the air.

Johanie looked at the Aden. She just couldn't figure him out. She also wondered whether she should apologize for that smack earlier on.

"The one you should be contacting is Aïda but no, you're dying to talk to the one who ruined everyone's evening." Adriaan gritted out those words.
"I'll will talk to her but she clearly does not want to talk to me."
"Probably because she's confused." Adriaan retorted.
"She's not the only one." Johanie said.
"Aden we're leaving but please try to speak to Aïda and make her understand that you only want her. Okay?" Adriaan concluded.
"Goodnight you two. Drive safely. I'll show you out."
"Goodnight Aden. Take care." Johanie said while her husband gave Aden a hug.

The two left.

Aden went upstairs, brushed his teeth and took a shower. After the shower  he put on a black vest and a pair of grey tracksuit pants. He was about to get into bed when the bell at the gate sounded.

Who could it be?

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