Chapter Thirty One

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"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" Aden asked loudly.
"Calm down sir. Her sister told us that she had not seen her since yesterday afternoon." Kannemeyer said.
"If she had done anything to Aïda I'll strangle her with my bare hands."

Aden heard foorsteps behind him.

"Aden what's going on? Who will you strangle?" Johanie asked.

What was she doing here?

"Mrs Harmse, please wait outside my office. I'll question you later."
"Why do you want to question me? Am I a suspect?"
"No, Mrs Harmse. We don't even know if a crime occurred but, you were the last person to see Miss Völlenhoven. It's mandatory for you to be interviewed. Now, please I need to speak to Mr van den Heever in private. Close he door behind you."
"Okay...I'll be outside." Johanie closed the office door behind her.

"Please sit down sir." Kannemeyer said to Aden pointing to a chair in the other side of his desk.

Aden took the seat.

"We are doing everything in our capacity to find Miss Völlenhoven. We are looking for Miss November as well. We've employed extra officers to do as much as possible."

Aden stared blankly at the detective. Did this man really expect him to be calm?

"I won't be calm untill you find Tiffany and send her back to prison, for good." Aden spat.
"If she had anything to do with Miss Vollenhoven's disappearance she will be prosecuted." Kannemeyer responded.
"No, detective. I want her prosecuted either way. She's broken her bail conditions when she left her sister's house."
"Sir I-"
"Aden. Please, just call me by my name."
"Aden, do you have any idea where Miss November might be?"

Aden thought for a moment but nothing came to his mind.

"Do you have an idea?" Kannemeyer repeated.
"No but if I remember anything I'll inform you."
"Good. Anyway, Miss November would not get too far, most of the public know who she is. Take comfort in that, Aden.Erm, please excuse me. I have to interview Mrs Harmse. I want to find out how she slept so peacefully while Miss Völlenhoven disappeared in the middle of the night.


"Thank you for coming so soon, Mrs Harmse." Kannemeyer said.
"No, problem, officer and please call me Johanie."
"Johanie, I need to know what happened last night. I want to know every detail. Tell me what happened after you and Miss Völlenhoven got to the flat."
"Well...not much."

Collin raised his brows at her. What does she mean, not much? A woman is missing.

"We...we got into the flat and then Aïda asked me if I needed anything. I said that I needed to take a shower. Aïda pointed me to the shower and gave me a pair of her pyjamas to wear. After I was done she also took a shower. I checked my e-mails and social media accounts wh...while she was showering. When she came back she checked the door and windows and got into bed with me. We fell asleep within minutes."

Kannemeyer eyed Johanie with a bored look on his face. She got scared.

"Mrs Harmse, how do you know that you both fell asleep?"
"Pardon...I don't understand?"
"It's a simple question, how do you know that you both fell asleep?"

Johanie looked at him like he was speaking a strange language.

"Let me rephrase, which one of you two fell asleep first."

Johanie thought for a moment.

"It's not a hard question, Mrs Harmse."
"I think I slept first."
"You think or you know?"
"I must have fallen asleep first because...I...I don't remember when she fell asleep. I just remember waking up this morning to an empty flat."

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