Chapter Twenty

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"I still don't know why I've allowed you to drag me to a rugby match." Aïda told Burton.

The two of them were sitting at the iconic Newlands Rugby Stadium. Well, Burton had assured her that it was iconic. The two of them were seated in one of the VIP areas. Burton's wife, Vera, was also present along with a number of other people.

"Come on, Aïda. It will be fun." Burton tried to assure her.

Aïda looked around in search of Johanie. Surely she would be at her husband's match, right? She had been talking about that particular match for weeks but Aïda had not told her that she was would be in attendance. Mainly because she had not been sure that she would attend and Johanie had asked her to accompany her to the match. Aïda claimed to have had fixed plans. She had just hoped that Burton would forget about it or that he would be too busy. Well bad luck for her.

Burton had arrived from England on the morning after the party. A day before match day. He was still suffering from jetlag but said that nothing would have kept him from watching the match live, at Newlands.

"You seem distracted. Are you looking for someone?" Burton enquired of Aïda.

Aïda did not know how to answer that question. She had not told him about her blossoming friendship with Johanie or Adriaan for that matter. She did not want to come accross as celebrity obsessed and she did not want to take advantage of them by flaunting the relationship. She saw the Harmses as humanbeings, very kind ones, not just as public figures.

"It's nothing. So when does the match start? It feels like we've been here forever."
Burton snorted, "So half an hour is forever to you. Well, the actual match starts in about thirty five minutes. The athems start a few minutes before that."
"Whatever. I'm going to the ladies room." Aïda spoke.
"I'll join you. Maybe we can get something to eat on our way back." Vera said.
"Don't worry about that, ladies. The food is included in our package. We even get wine and other beverages."

Burton had stopped speaking when two waitresses entered. The ladies told Burton to choose their food.

Ten minutes later Aïda emerged from the toilet, eyes fixed on her phone screen. She walked into someone.

"I'm so sorry..." her eyes shot up to their face, what are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question," a smiling Mark said, "why did you not tell me you were coming? I could've given you a lift."
"I came with my previous business partner, Burton."
"Oh yeah. I remember him from when he was here in mid March. Where are you seated?"
"In one of the VIP areas."
"I'm in one too so it should be easy to find you later on. Maybe during half time?"
"Sure. See you then, Mark."
"You too, Aïda."

Mark left with a big smile on his face. Just then Vera returned from the lavatory.

"Aïda I think we should get some snacks nonetheless. What do you think?"
"Sounds like a plan to me, Vera. Let's go quickly."

Despite her decision to get Aden van den Heever out of her mind and thus out of her life, Aïda could not help but get emotional when she saw him in the green and gold of South Africa. When they were in high school it seemed so insurmountable. South Africa has so many talented youngsters who want to represent their country at the highest level. Sadly only a handful ever get that opportunity and she was truly happy for Aden.

Aden scored two tries  and even stole the ball from the opposition's scrum. He was very fast for such a tall and build guy. Though he was more fit then build like a fitness instructor.  Adriaan on the other hand, had a more bodybuilder type of build. Both of them had a great first half, that's what Burton kept saying. Everyone else agreed.

Soon enough it was half-time and the food arrived but that was not all.

"So this is where you're hiding."

Aïda turned around in the direction of Johanie's voice.

"Hey you."
"Hey. Don't worry I'm not angry at you. I'm so happy to finally see you at a match. How do you like it this far?"
"It's okay."

Before Johanie could respond a commotion was heard.

Tiffany had entered the room. 'Oohs' and 'aahs' were uttered. Some people even asked for her signature and for selfies. Tiffany obliged and the photos were taken.

During that time Mark entered and Vera left for the bathroom. Mark suggested that they go and take a breather elsewhere. Johanie suggested that he and Burton hang out while the ladies went their own separate way. The guys were okay with that.

More than a couple of minutes later Aïda was standing next to Johanie outside the national teams clothing room. She was so busy talking to Johanie that she only realized where they were when Adriaan came out. Aden also came out. Aden looked visibly surprised when he saw Aïda. Adriaan motioned for everyone to follow him.

They went to another room away from all the staff and photographers. Adriaan engulfed his wife in a big hug. Aïda looked awkwardly at her feet, completely missing Aden's intense grey gaze on her.

Adriaan cleared his throat, "So ladies, did you enjoy watching your men winning."
"Woah baby! The game is not over yet and you've already decided on the winner." Johanie said, although only a miracle could save the South American opponents.

Aïda eye's were still on the floor. How else could she avoid Aden. He had no problem with that. He loved looking at her. She had on an dark blue jeans and a 'Springbok' Jersey with his number and name on. He had asked Burton to give the shirt to her. He wanted her to wear his shirt but he couldn't make it obvious so he gave Burton and Vera jerseys with his name and number on as well.

Aden had written their names inside on the tags so that, Aïda could wear his own personal jersey, so there was no confusion on who wears which one. The ones Burton and his wife wore were made for the public.

His jersey was too long for Aïda due to her small frame but, she still looked cute in it.

"Yeah so much for that famous South African humbleness." Aïda muttered almost inaudibly.

"You ladies are right and I am not at all underestimating them but how can we lose with such beautiful supporters." Adriaan winked at his wife.

Aden cleared his throat and Aïda finally looked up from the floor and straight into his stormy eyes. His face had turned into a blank canvas.

"Adriaan we should go."
"Yes, you're right, Aden. Erm...ladies wait for us after the game. We'll go drink something, okay."
"Sure, baby. " Johanie answered and gave him another tight hug.

Aïda took that is her cue to leave the room. Aden was right on her heels. When they were outside he called her name.

Aïda turned around facing him,"Yes?"
"I'm glad to finally see you at a match. I hope you're enjoying yourself."
"It's okay." Aïda said blankly, "I have to go."

She walked down the corridor. Aden just shared at her retreating back. He knew that he had messed up since that fateful night in January and he had to fix it somehow. It was hard though because Aïda was colder than the cold winter's day outside but, he deserved nothing less.

Soon after Johanie and Adriaan came out of the room and Johanie practically jogged after Aïda.

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