Chapter Three

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As the first golden rays of the sun stroked Aida's face, she knew it was time to get up. It was just before the alarm sounded at 05:00 a.m.

A long day was ahead of her and for some reason, it bothered her. The long working hours was the biggest issue. When she had first starting out as a chef she had been so excited everyday. She wore her chefs whites with such pride and she still did, but something was missing.

She knew what it was: her life. Being at work for fourteen to sixteen hours on most days, would sap anyone's mojo. She was not even a workaholic, her life just needed some balance. Some excitement wouldn't kill her either.

The alarm sounded. It was time to get up, but first prayer.


Thoughts of the future continued to play on her mind, even after she arrived at Tuis Kombuis. Burton had talked about permanently closing the restaurant on Sundays, it was usually a quiet day. Lunch was the bussiest time, as the churchgoers sat down to break bread.

She had something bigger in store for Tuis Kombuis though.

She knew that Burton would be going back to Europe, she'd have to decide soon whether to start a new partnership or branch out on her own. The latter was what her heart desires, but for that she'd need large sums of cash, millions in fact.

A new partnership seems the most viable, but it would mean dancing to someone else's tune. Burton had been a treat to work with, but he was an exception. She could not stand the thought of working with some egomaniac.

There was another option, working for someone else, but that was not a realistic option for her. It meant going backwards. She's worked too hard to start back at ground zero.

Something else she did not like, was, revisiting old wounds. Aden van den Heever was such a wound, a wound that spoilt the remainder of her weekend, but she would not let him spoil her Monday.

The sound of approaching footsteps snapped her out of her trance. It was only 06:10. Why was the milkman so early?

"Hello Aïda," It was not the milkman.
"Aden...wh...erm (she cleared her throat), what are you doing here?" Damn she messed up.
"Do you need water?" Just avoid the question,  Aden thought to himself.
"I know where to find water, in my own place, thanks," that sounded so bitchy. Why did it matter anyway.
"You should keep some of that spice for the food," He managed to say that with a straight face.

Aïda was at a lost for words. Was there lack in her food?

"Here you are," It was Burton.
"I thought I'd wait inside for you," Aden said.

Aïda was somewhat perplexed. What were they doing together?

"I know what you're thinking, Aïda," Burton said, "you're wondering why I'm here so early. Right?"

No, but that was a good point too, she realized.

"As you know Aden has to go back to London, but he's invited me to a charity golf day. This was the only time he could bring the invitation."

London? What is he doing in London?

"Okay. Are you visiting someone in London for Christmas?" The question slipped out.

Aden looked surprised.

"He's been living in London for the past six years," Burton replied.
"Oh," Why did that upset her?

Aden kept staring at her with that same look.

"Aïda does not watch sport, or television, for that matter. She did not even know who Adriaan was. She thinks a 'Springbok' is only an animal," Again Burton answered a question that had not been directed at him. Either he was a  true fanboy, or an nuisance.

"I'll be in Manchester for Christmas. Heinrich lives there."
"Will your parents also go?"

Silence for about five seconds as both Aden and Burton stared at her.

"They're no more," Aden stated, "I moved to the UK after their death. I thought South Africa had nothing left for me."

Her legs seemed to move by themselves as she moved toward him.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Was all she could say as she looked into his eyes and moved on to hug him.

He did not reciprocate the hug, he was too stunned. The woman who had told him that she hated him and never wanted to see him ever again, not even in Heaven, that woman was holding him.

"We have to go or else you'll miss your flight," Burton said to Aden.

"Thanks Aïda. Let's go Burton."

Aïda followed them with her eyes as they left, not once did he look back.

"Why? Why? Why?" She was angry at herself for giving into her emotions.

"Am I disturbing?" It was the milkman.
"No. I've been waiting for you."

And so another day began.


In the car enroute to Cape Town International Airport, Burton wondered about Aden's silence. He was clearly far away.

He'd already asked twice...

"Is something wrong?"
"I'm so sorry Burton. I'm not much of a morning person."
"I understand. Hey, maybe we can play a round of golf in London soon." Burton said.
"What do you mean?"
"I've been shortlisted for a position as head chef in a swanky hotel in Chelsea."
"Congrats. So you're looking to leave the Mother city."
"When I came here five years ago I had no plans to stay, but I stayed for Aïda's sake."
"For Aïda's sake? How come?" Aden asked.
"She was young and inexperienced with big dreams, but no funds, I backed her financially. Occasionally I'll help with a more hands on approach but Tuis Kombuis is her baby. I can stay on as a partner even from overseas, but I know she has her own ideas. I just hope she can get the money to fund her dreams. The two of us will have a serious talk today."
"Will she go to the bank for funding?" Enquired Aden.
"Most likely. If not she'll have to go through other avenues."
"Other avenues?"
"Yes there are institutions that can offer assistance. That's how we met, but not everyone is trustworthy or easy to work with."
"I see. Well, I hope you get your job in London."
"Thank you, Aden. I hope so too."

Aden knew that he wanted to help Aïda, but he did not want to intrude on her life in that way. He knew that she would not like it.

He had alot to think about.

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