Chapter One

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Cape Town, Western Cape

For, twenty eight year old, Aïda Völlenhoven the night stretched out in front of her, would be one of the biggest nights of her career. Hers and the occasional co-chef and business partner, Burton's restaurant would be hosting a grande celebrity wedding.

When rugbyplayer Adriaan Harmse and his then fianceé, actress Johanie, requested their venue for the wedding reception, Aïda had no idea who they were. Not being a sports fan and a television watcher (she did not even own one), she accepted their request. It was only when the money issue came about that she raised her eyebrows.

They were willing to pay tripple the amount of the usual fee. When she had insisted on the original amount,  they refused, money was not an issue  for them. Still she felt bad but, they insisted so who was she to refuse them.

When Burton, who was out of town at that time, heard their names, he was ecstatic. He was even happier, when he found out about the financial gains. The hospitality industry is very competitive and the two of them needed as much help as possible.

When they  opened their retaurant Tuis Kombuis five years earlier, on Cape Town's foodie heaven, Bree street, it seemed like a great idea. You know: South Africans making South African food. What could possibly go wrong? Well it seems that folks, and that includes South Africans, love sampling foreign cuisine. And Bree is packed with such an amazing aray of restaurants that standing out wss an almost impossible task. So yes, they needed all the help they could get.

"Wow Aïda you look amazing! Are you trying to get a rugbyplayer for yourself?" Joked  Burton.
"You know I don't care about rugby or rugbyplayers, Burtie. I just want to make a good impression."
"You might make too good of an impression and get yourself married. What will I do here all alone? I'd run this place into the ground."
"You do know that we don't live in 1901 right. Woman can work and be married."
"So you are planning on getting married then." Teased Burton again.
Rolling her eyes at him she replied, "N.E.V.E.R that's when I'll get married."

Even she had to admit that the black kneelength, sleeveless, sweet heart, bodycon dress that she had on looked amazing on her curvaceous frame. She had paired it with a pair of black cut-out booties and a fire engine red lip. Black winged eyeliner emphasized her big round, dark eyes. Her gorgeous jet black curls were tied up in a messy bun. It was always tied up at work though, nobody wants hair in their food.

Two hours later and the guests were streaming in. Waiters were handing out the menu for the evening. The Harmses' had selected every course beforehand so this was a mere formality, a preview to whet their appetites. Most of the six waiters on staff for that the evening seemed somewhat starstruck. Who would blame them: entertainers, models and rugbyplayers were present after all. Aïda recognized some of the actors and actresses but no-one else.

"Wow! This place looks stunning, Aïda." Exclaimed Johanie.
"The two of you were the inspiration so yeah. Thanks."
"You look more stunning, Aïda."
Aïda gave Adriaan a sweet but shy smile and looked at Johanie, "You should keep a watchful eye on this one."
Johanie chuckled, " I can't blame him for appreciating beauty. Girl you look amazing!"
"We'll have to thank Aden for recommending this place."
"Aden..." Aïda was caught off guard.

Aïda only knew two Adens. One is a youth pastor at church and the other one a former friend and wanna-be rugbyplayer.

She was not even sure she wanted to see him.

"Hello Aïda."

She knew which one it was.

She suddenly had an urge to run away. As she turned she knew that she was not ready to see him. Not tonight. Not with her. Not whilst his fingers were intertwined with hers. She was a little dumbstruck.

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