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© 2022 by Peace Ngozi Abraham.

Brought to you by Christian Writers and Readers Club.


For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.  Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2: 8-9 (KJV).


"And now, to the very post we've been waiting to hear. Hmmm... Guys, are you ready for this shocker?" the outgoing fellowship coordinator said into the microphone with a mischievous grin as he glanced at the sheet of paper where he was calling the names from.

Tense silence reigned in the large hall. If a pin had fallen, it would have been clearly heard.

Hearts were beating. Palms were sweaty.

No one could fathom who the president would be because it seemed like all the eligible people had been called already.

"The president of this great fellowship is... is... is... Tori Allison! Let's put our hands together for our new president as she comes up to the podium."

A deafening applause and hall-shaking screams and hoots rose from the congregation.


The fellowship that day had started with praise and worship unto God. The atmosphere was so intensified with God's presence as the collegians worshiped from the depths of their hearts. I also was lost in awe of my savior.

After the worship and praise session, the outgoing president came up and delivered his last sermon which was full of power. I was moved to tears. The word really spoke to me.

Then, the long awaited time came to call the newly nominated EXCOs (Executives of the fellowship) and BSLs (Bible Study Leaders) as ordained by God.

That was the highlight of today's special service. It's a rotation of leadership that we call 'Choice'.

I was so happy for the people that were being called forth, but I never thought that God had me in mind for the highest rank of all.

"Daniel Jones is the one and only Vice... vice president. Clap for him. Celebrate Jesus in his life."

Really? I had thought Daniel would be the president.

A thunderous applause rose from the congregation. Daniel walked up in his charismatic leader gait. I could see a trace of disappointment on his face but he hid it well and soon appeared grateful.

I mean, what else could he do?

Choice was God's final verdict on those who would lead the fellowship administratively and spiritually for an entire academic session, both for the spring and fall semesters.

From the little I knew, Choice takes a long time of waiting on God and scrutiny of the prospects by the committee of fellowship leaders assigned to the task.

And the day of announcement was always fun because you'll get to see all sorts of reactions from the people who were chosen.

Some, who have been in tune and already probably know because God told them, would be calm and collected.

Others, who least expected their names to be called, would be frozen in denial or they'd be shedding tears of disbelief.

There was even one funny account I heard that once, a lady ran away when she heard her name being called.

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