Reunion's And Goodbyes.

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We called for Wyatt and Chris to watch the twins, we weren't bringing them to this meeting. I for the first time in a long time was anxious as hell, i didn't know what this meeting would achieve, but i needed to know for sure. We arrived at the restaurant before Elizabeth and Benjamin.

They finally arrived, in style no less. I now know where Cole got it from. Elizabeth wore a twenties dress, similar to what i wore when i was evil. Benjamin looked exactly like Cole, they strolled into the restaurant arm in arm and looked like any other couple in love.

The smile on Benjamins face was shining like he had seen his son for the first time in a long time. They walked towards our table, they sat adjacent to us. Mom complimented Elizabeth on her beauty and mom was right, she was beautiful. Benjamin was as handsome as Cole tall, dark and handsome. Elizabeth reached out to shake our hands, i instantly got a premonition, she was being truthful, i had a vision of Cole being pulled away from his mother in the family mausoleum. It was completely different to the one i once had there, oh how they can mess with your head. I believe the Elders did that to frighten me off Cole.

Benjamin was a gentleman, he took our hands and kissed them, he definitely had that 19th century chivalry going on. Mom was impressed with them both.

Mom asked, "Elizabeth, how is it you have been able to stay topside for almost two centuries?"

Elizabeth explained, "I'm a witch first, a demon second. My witchcraft kept me hidden all these years, i have taken a risk to come meet you all, but I'm a grandmother now. I deserve a chance as does Benjamin."

We sat for hours talking about everything, from the moment Cole and i met to how Paige vanquished him. Elizabeth knew everything, she has followed Cole for years, explaining she feared approaching him, for the fear of being discovered by the source. Elizabeth tried to free him when he was straddling two worlds. The Elders wouldn't let her, they obviously had other plans.

As a demon, Elizabeth was charming, she never asked once to see the babies, but she just wished to meet them one day. We told her we couldn't promise anything, that would learn to trust her in time.

Benjamin said something, he said, "i know you don't trust my wife, but i hope for Cole's sake that one day you do."

I asked, "what do you mean, pray tell?"

Benjamin replied, "one day those evil bastards might come for her, it would be nice that she greets our grandchildren one day. In fact i pray that you do allow us both into their lives."

If Benjamin could trust his wife, then we should too. It will take a bit of time, but my premonitions haven't failed me yet. I will listen to my instincts and hope to see them in the twins lives, even if it's just for a short time. It was then we discussed stripping Elizabeth's powers. I would have to talk this over with Piper and Paige, to see if we could come up with a power stripping potion for Elizabeth, then she would be a witch, a powerful witch, but she wouldn't cause us harm unless they got to her first?

Mom knew what i was thinking and she said, "i know of a potion, I'll help you with it. A potion similar to the one that vanquished Balthezor."

Mom went home and left us at the restaurant, she began on the potion. Elizabeth was determined to get rid of her demonic powers, we asked her if getting rid of it would cause Benjamin harm?

Elizabeth replied, "no, it was my witch side that helped me extend Benjamin's lifespan."

I called mom and she already had the potion made, she was on her way back to the restaurant with it. We waited for mom to arrive and she came with the potion. Elizabeth excused herself and she invited me into the ladies room to witness her taking it. It was fast acting, her demonic side dissipated just as Cole's did. Elizabeth was now human, she was now just a powerful witch.

I discovered her powers were benign, she was powerful but she was happy to be free from the constraints of being demonic. We exited the bathroom and the look on Benjamins face was priceless, Cole's too.

Benjamin exclaimed, "my beautiful best friend has now returned, it's almost been two centuries of her demondum, but she is back, my beautiful and pure wife."

I asked how did Cole become half demon if she was a witch?

Elizabeth explained that it was Raynor that placed powers inside of him, he was half witch, the powers turned his witch side evil and he became Balthezor.

It was then we decided that we would bring the twins to see them at their home. We wanted to wait for dad to come from The Adirondacks. We called dad and he explained that he was on his way, he would be here in a few hours. I called Piper and Paige they weren't too happy about this, but as soon as we explained mom made the potion, that she's now just a human witch. Piper made Leo go and confirm it.

Leo came back and told Piper that the potion worked and that Elizabeth is now human. Piper called and confirmed what we already knew. We made arrangements for the boys to go an visit once dad gets here, we know it won't be until tomorrow, mom only has one or two days left.

Finally dad arrived, mom opened the door, she jumped into his arms and kissed him like it was their first time. It was a little gross as they were my parents. We drove to Elizabeth and Benjamin's house, my dad had the boys in their car seats. We walked down the long pathway to their front door, it was a beautiful home, Cole looked around and pointed to a tree his dad put up a swing for him. The swing was still there, it was very worn but its seat and rope was still there. The house according to Cole hadn't changed much since he was a boy, the house contained all the modern stuff that we all have.

There was pictures of Cole and his parents all over the house, baby Cole looked exactly like his father. Elizabeth welcomed us all in, she looked at the boys, you could see how excited she was to see her grandchildren.

My father and my father in-law, got on really well, dad said, "you look amazing for a man almost two centuries old."

Myself, mom and Elizabeth sat around with the boys, she asked for permission to pick them up?

I replied, "of course you can."

Elizabeth picked up Cole, she said, "my, my, this reminds me of when Cole was little, he looks so much like him. Corey looks very much like your father."

I hadn't recognised it before, he did look like dad. Benjamin came in with dad and played with the boys while Elizabeth, mom and i spent time talking. We had to get home quickly as possible, mom needed some alone time with dad before she had to return. Cole and i promised to visit again.

Elizabeth and Benjamin kissed the boys goodbye and told my parents that they were glad to have met them.

My mom said as we got into the car, "i really feel sorry for her, had you guys been taken from me, i don't know how i would've reacted. I understand why she watched Cole from afar, they would've got to her."

I took moms hand and said, "i agree mom, i feel exactly the same. If someone took my boys, i honestly don't know how i would react."

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