Dedicated To All Ghosters

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You are not even worth this rhyme,
being manipulator should always be a crime

One thing he meant, another word he said
But how would you know, forecasting class you fled

Life seems to be easy for people like you
Running around, showing your colours true

Met her, then decided to all bin it
And looked in her face and just said sad innit

But the curse for people like you is decending
Life will decide if you really need mending

Maybe you will continue bringing despair
Or maybe someone out there, will show you what's fair

Pain, sorrow and tears became to us dear
Soon enough my prince, life you should fear

Because no one truly ever got a way with sins
Without someone out there ripping their limbs.

Mess of thoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ