,,I can help you with that." I look at Matthew surprised. ,,I have a mate who's working for an real estate agency."

,,Really?" Matthew nods.

,,Yeah, he still owns me a favor. What's your price?"

,,That doesn't matter. I have enough money on my bank account. The only thing I would like is a place close to Central Park and Republic Records."

,,Oh, do you have a second interview?" I nod. ,,That's great. So you'll be an professional song writer, huh?" I shrug my shoulders.

,,I hope so." I take the last sip from my coffee and look at my watch. ,,I really have to go now. It's a four minutes walk but I want to be on time."

,,I get it. Maybe we can meet here next week again? I can bring Levi with me to discuss some places for you to live in."

,,Thank you, Matt. I'm going now, wish me luck."

,,You don't need that! You can do this, you're awesome!" Matthew gives me one last hug before I leave the Starbucks and walk to Republic Records.

Once I'm inside, I'm greeted by Mr. Banks.

,,Good morning. Welcome back, miss Mitchell?"

,,I'm happy to be back."

,,Good to hear, now if you would follow me." I nod and I follow him into a room. We both sit on the couch. He gives me a drink, just like he pours one for himself. ,,So, Beca. I'm really enthusiastic about you, but I have seen more candidates. Can you tell me why you think I should hire you?"

,,Frankly, I find it difficult to say that you should hire me. After all, you have also seen other candidates and can compare candidates with each other." I tell him and he seems surprised by my answer. He doesn't interrupt me, so I continue. ,,I can say that I am very enthusiastic about the company and the future prospects of this company. I have successfully written songs in college for some time. Writing songs is something I love to do. If I'm the right person as far as you concerned, I would like to talk more about that."

,,You're very professional, miss Mitchell and I haven't met anyone who is this dedicated to this company. You were on top of my list, to be honest." He thinks for a moment, before turning back to me. ,,Can you agree on a probationary period?"

,,If that can help the company and my career further up, then yes." He smiles at me.

,,Great, then I can inform you that you got the job. Welcome to the team." He shakes my hand and the smile on my face won't fade. Now more people come inside the room and Mr. Banks smiles. ,,I'll like to introduce you to miss Henderson. She will help you with everything as you take in your new working place." I stand up with my drink in my hand, ready to introduce myself. ,,Miss Henderson?" Mr. Banks says and the blond woman turns around. My breath stops for a small second. Wow, she's beautiful. She smiles at me and then walks over to us. ,,Would you mind giving miss Mitchell a tour around the company?"

,,No, of course I don't mind." She says and then looks at me. She holds out her hand. ,,Welcome to the company. You look so good and that on your first day. I can't wait to see what else you come with." She gives me a wink and I smile at her in thanks. ,,Serena Henderson." She introduces herself.

,,Beca Mitchell." I grab her hand and shake it.

,,Good, the introductions are done. Miss Henderson, please lead miss Mitchell to her desk." Mr Banks stands up and then leave us alone.

,,I'm so glad he's gone." Serena says and releases my hand. ,,He gets on my nerves sometimes. I know he means well, but sometimes he's too much." I giggle at her. She's funny. ,,Come on, I'll show you this place." She grabs my hand again and I have to be honest. It feels good and it takes my mind of Chloe.

,,So in here, we have the recording studio." Serena opens a door, revealing the most amazing recording studio I've ever seen. I haven't seen much of them, but this one is literally perfect.

 I haven't seen much of them, but this one is literally perfect

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,,Wow, this is amazing." I glide over the recording devices with my fingers.

,,You are a song writer?" I shake my head.

,,No, but I want to be. I have written quiet a lot of songs already."

,,Impressive." I smile at Serena. ,,The next room is full of instruments. Can you play?"

,,I'm pretty good with a guitar and piano, but that's it."

,,My music experience isn't as good as yours. Maybe some day, you'll play for me?"

,,Yeah, I would love that." I honestly tell her.

,,Great, now let me take you on this tour further." Serena smiles and takes me to the other rooms. This place is amazing! I only think when Serena leads me to the other rooms and then outside. ,,So, do I have to pleasure to see you more often?" Serena asks me.

,,Sure, we're colleagues now after all." I say with a smile.

,,Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Beca. It was nice to meet you."

,,Likewise. Until tomorrow, have a nice day." Serena smiles at me and then walks into a different direction than I'm going. I watch her until she's around the corner. What a nice woman! I'll think I can be friends with her and who knows maybe someday we can be more. I have to move on from Chloe eventually, right? I mean, she obviously doesn't want me anymore. And after that thought I make my way to Wyatt's apartment. I have to stay somewhere and Wyatt lives nearby. It's only for a week, after that I hopefully have my own apartment.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now