⸨♥Chapter Twenty-Two| End♥⸩

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     "Daddy, daddy!"

     Minho felt a familiarly insistent tug on the hem of his sweatshirt as he worked on preparing vegetables for lunch, followed by high pitched squeals and arguing - an all too familiar sound in the Lee-Han household. His eyes slipped shut momentarily while he drew in a deep breath prior to facing the children fighting over a PuppyM plushie.

     "Daddy, Eunnie stole my Minnie doll!" The little black-haired boy cried out, pointing a miniature finger of accusation at the girl who currently had possession of the plush toy.

     "Nuh-uh! I had it first, Chi-Chi!" She whined, stamping her little socked foot in anger, the PuppyM in her arms caught in a vice grip as to not be taken by her brother.

     Minho pinched the bridge of his nose with a tired sigh before kneeling down to the children and holding his hand out expectantly. With a pout, the little girl set the doll into her father's hand. "Eun-Ji," he looked toward the girl who still wore a pout (something she must've inherited from her other father); "Yeong-Chul," he then turned to the little boy with frustrated tears welled in his big, brown doe-eyes, threatening to spill over his chubby cheeks. "Please explain what happened to me - without yelling this time," he instructed - face and voice stern, but not unkind.

     "Chi-Chi had Dwaekki and I had PuppyM and we were playing, but-but then he STOLE PuppyM from me so I said to give it back and guess what, Daddy? He said NO and then he THREW Dada at me! Dada would be so sad!" She explained animatedly, drawing a chuckle out of the man when he briefly imagined their son literally throwing his petite husband (even though he knew they meant Han Quokka). "Daddy doesn't like when Dada is sad so Chi-Chi was bad, right? Right?" Eun-Ji added before sticking her tongue out at her younger brother.

     "But Daddy, I wanted to play with Uncle Minnie's dolly instead of Dwaekki because I miss him," he explained with a pitiful sniffle. It was true that the family hadn't seen Seungmin in a bit, but that was because Stray Kids were on a short hiatus due to his wife becoming heavily pregnant, her due date was expected anytime within the next few weeks.

     Minho drew both of his small children into his arms, kissing the top of their heads with a loud 'muah' and giving them an affectionate squeeze. "We'll have everyone over to visit soon, okay? Now can you promise Daddy that you'll play nice while I finish lunch? Dada will be home from the studio soon and we don't want him being sad because you guys are arguing again... Right?"

     The children glanced at each other once out of their father's embrace, eyeing each other suspiciously. "We could play with PuppyM together?" Yeong-Chul eventually suggested. Eun-Ji considered the proposition for a moment before agreeing. They shook their tiny hands as a sign of their truce, then ran off to play peacefully (for now, at least) after exchanging 'love you's with Minho. The man rose to his feet again with a slight groan when his knees audibly popped. Some time later, his ears perked up at the distinctive jingle of keys being fitted into the front door's handle. He wiped his hands clean with the dishtowel hung on the sink cabinet in preparation of what would come next - what happened every time Jisung returned home.  

     The younger man abruptly came barreling into the kitchen and leapt into Minho's arms, showering him in kisses and embracing him tightly. "Baby! I've missed you," he exclaimed against Minho's neck with a small giggle. Minho responded in kind, then lifted his husband from the ground as he spun him around and brushed their noses together. They shared a sweet 'welcome home' kiss, which was soon interrupted by their children sprinting into the room as well.

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