⭐️⸨♥Chapter Six♥⸩⭐️

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[Smut warning for the whole chapter honestly lol]


Once the idols had returned to their dorm for the remainder of the night, Jisung scurried away to one of their shared bathrooms to hide the very obvious predicament that Minho had put him in. Throughout dinner and the travel home, he was eternally thankful for his propensity of wearing oversized sweaters. It offered some sort of camouflage while with the rest of his friends and attending staff. Now that he was finally alone he sighed at the uncomfortable lump under his shirt, silently cursing Minho for putting him in this situation and at himself for being so easily swayed by his touch. Just as he was about to lose his clothing, a knock broke the silence and snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Han-ah? You in there?" a familiar soft voice called out. Jisung scoffed and rolled his eyes before cracking the door open. His annoyance quickly dissipated at the sight of Minho's concerned expression. The man had his hands in front of him, wringing his shirt nervously. "Um, I didn't push you too far did I? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," he murmured and pouted, guilt bubbling within him. Teasing the man was definitely entertaining but he had no idea how to read Jisung's reactions that had followed (mainly ignoring him and choosing to sit away from him in the van). He wasn't typically such a bundle of nerves, but he was terrified of ruining the strong bond that they had formed over the past several years.

The younger man made sure the surrounding area was clear before pulling Minho inside and backing him into the wall. The older man faltered under his intense gaze, causing a smirk to spread across Jisung's lips. The uncharacteristically submissive behaviour from the other inexplicitly awakened something within him. Maybe it was the fact that he was so turned on clouding his judgement, but he pressed his firm erection against the other man's thigh to show just what he had caused. "In a way, you've made me extremely uncomfortable..." But before any apology could be formulated, Jisung began to place kisses along the other's jaw and neck. He ghosted his moist lips over his ear and spoke huskily, "You should really take responsibility, Hyung."

Minho's jaw dropped a bit as he shuddered - his own libido sparked by Jisung's unusually low tone. He glanced down at where their bodies were met and raised his leg to nudge in response, a playful grin tugging at his lips as Jisung groaned softly against his neck. The worries he previously possessed escaped him now that he understood the situation. All except for their lack of privacy and the presence of their roommates, of course. At any moment, someone could try to come in. How could they even begin to explain coming out all flustered after being locked inside the bathroom together? Despite their pent up desire, Minho used all of his remaining self control to carefully push the younger man away from him and shoot him an apologetic look. "We can't do this here, Hannie..."

The slightly shorter male caught his own bottom lip between his teeth, habitually chewing at it as he desperately tried to find a solution. The metaphorical lightbulb in his head lit up, causing his face to brighten and hands to rest on Minho's hips. "I have the perfect place, but you have to play it cool, okay?" After gaining a nod, he led the other to the hall and to the front door. Many of the members were in their bedrooms hanging out, but Seungmin and Hyunjin were lounging in front of the TV. Jisung cleared his throat loudly before announcing their departure, "We're gonna go refine some of the new tracks. Don't wait up for us, we might be back late." They got an uninterested "'Kay, have fun" from the two. They didn't even pick their heads up to look at the duo; they were far too immersed in the Netflix drama they were currently bingeing.



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Love Test  ♥  『Minsung』Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum