⸨♥Chapter Twenty-One ♥⸩

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     "Can you please hand those to me, my love?"

     Jisung acknowledged Minho's request with a soft hum before reaching for a particular snack bag from where he lay between the elder's legs. Once he'd retrieved it, he held it just out of reach of Minho - a goofy grin plastered across his face. "You must pay the fee first, sir," he declared impishly, but soon emitted an indignant whine as he was mercilessly tickled until he released his grasp on the snack. Jisung crossed his arms over his ample, nude chest with a childish huff. "You're mean," he complained, pouting exaggeratedly.

     Minho chuckled around the chip he'd popped into his mouth. "Why am I mean?" he questioned with a slight smirk and cocked brow.

     "You stole from me, your poor innocent soulmate who did nothing wrong," Jisung accused melodramatically with his signature pout still present. Despite his playful fussiness, he resumed his previous resting position laying with his cheek pressed against the other man's equally bare chest. Minho tilted the younger male's face up by his chin and pressed a lasting, loving peck to his lips. A delighted noise escaped Jisung as he settled down for cuddles, seemingly appeased by the unconventional form of payment. Upon Minho asking if they were now even, he nodded and blissfully exhaled when the older man continued to absentmindedly play with his dark, fluffy hair.

     The pair watched disinterestedly as yet another commercial break displayed on the widescreen television housed in front of the sofa they occupied. Skincare, fast food, vehicles, fashion brands... They'd viewed all of these advertisements enough times that they could probably recite the narrations line-by-line. Surprisingly, one that they hadn't yet come across aired, as well. It was a typically picturesque heteronormative advertisement for a jewelry line focused on engagement and marriage. After it had concluded and the series they were binging recommenced, Jisung planted strategic kisses along the elder's jaw and neck to get his attention. With Minho's gaze now on himself, he wiggled his slender fingers in front of the other's face with a mischievous grin, "When are you gonna put a ring on it like that, huh~?"   

     "Never," Minho teased as he captured Jisung's hand within his own and laced their fingers together.  They could never get tired of how their hands fit perfectly within the other's; it was as if every part of them was made for each other. He hummed as his other hand assumed the stereotypical "thinking" pose. He'd extensively day-dreamt about their future together, but his innately tsundere nature wasn't prepared to admit that aloud just yet. "I think I'll keep it as a surprise," he decided, pulling his beloved near for more kisses and successfully silencing any possible protests. 


     The younger of the secret couple seated toward the back of the train hissed as he gingerly shifted upon the cushioned bench; no matter what, he couldn't seem to get comfortable after the literal beating his ass took the night prior. Maybe going that hard before traveling wasn't such a good idea, he mused, blessed with the power of hindsight. Minho tenderly stroked Jisung's knuckles with his thumb from where their hands were clasped together out of view. While the sexual encounter was phenomenal for both men, he felt really guilty now that his partner was made to endure the residual pain caused (primarily) by his own actions. When the train was temporarily blanketed by the darkness of a tunnel, he took the opportunity to peck Jisung's adorably chubby cheek and utter a hushed promise to take care of him later.

     The second that his iconic Converse platform sneakers landed onto the cracked concrete of the train depot, Jisung was enveloped in a crushing hug. He laughed and patted his parents' backs as his doting mother pinched his cheeks and bombarded him with questions. Minho soon received similar affection, to which he reciprocated gleefully. All of the members' were close with each others' families, and Jisung's parents were no exception. The duo were swiftly ushered to the older couple's vehicle so that they could visit Jisung's family's home for an early dinner. Their hands subconsciously entwined with the other's as they rode in the backseat - something that his parents didn't fail to miss, but chose to not mention.  Instead, the older couple shared a knowing glance.

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