⭐️⸨♥Chapter Thirteen♥⸩⭐️

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     The following day's activities thankfully took off without a hitch. They didn't have much more to do than a concert rehearsal, so it was relatively relaxed as far as scheduling went. Taking advantage of their break, Hyunjin clung to Felix' 'Stray Kids' bib as they ran around like two kids hyped up on candy. Jisung wanted to join in on the fun, but practice was already proving a bit difficult for him. He tried his best to act nonchalant as he fulfilled his duties, but he was left with a sore backside from the night before. Minho had entered his strict dance teacher mode and had previously got on him about his stiff movements. Jisung's filter was put the test then – he couldn't exactly scold him about being inattentive to his plight in front of everyone else. Not unless he wanted them all to know what had transpired behind their hotel room's door, that is. Instead of risking outing themselves, his eyes bore holes into Minho's back as he was speaking with the other elder members.

     The subject of his attention checked over his shoulder, seemingly feeling the gaze stuck to him from behind. He knit his brows together as he observed Jisung huff and look away, sculpted arms crossed over his chest. Minho finished his conversation with Chan and Changbin before crossing the stage and stopping in front of his pouty partner. "What's wrong?" he questioned, pulling his mask down his chin so he could take a swig of his water. Jisung cartoonishly let out a 'hmph' and swiveled in his place sat atop stage equipment cases. Minho rolled his eyes and sat beside him, offering his bottle to him as he did.

     "Now you pay attention to my needs," the younger murmured behind his mask. He knew he was being dramatic, but it was in his nature to be. Jisung twisted his body back to face the man sat beside him. He lowered his voice enough to where they were the only ones who could hear. "You weren't being very considerate of the fact that it's your fault my ass hurts." Minho's eyes widened before he began to laugh, earning a more intense pout from the other.

     "That's what you're upset about?" he asked between his cackling fit, hand going to swipe away his non-existent amused tears. Jisung slapped at his thigh, earning a 'hey!' as the elder rubbed his hand over the stinging spot. Minho leant in toward his ear and licked at his lips. "Should I kiss it better, then? I'll make sure to be gentle~" he suggested coyly to get a reaction out of the other. His giggles resumed as he received an exasperated huff. Minho hadn't missed the massive blush that had graced Jisung's features as he rose from his seat and gingerly waddled away from his teasing.


     Minho was pressed with his back flush against the suite door, grasping firmly at the broad shoulders of the man pinning him to the surface. Jisung ruthlessly bit and sucked at his shoulders and chest, careful not to leave any marks where others could see. They'd hardly made it inside the secured room before the elder was 'attacked'. Jisung's annoyance from earlier had turned to desire as he couldn't help but replay the pair's previous experiences in his mind throughout rehearsal. All he wanted now was to transform the other into a moaning, begging mess. His cool fingers grasped at Minho's jaw, forcing his head up as he licked a long stripe from the base of his neck to his chin. The latter's mouth was parted, letting out the most arousing sounds Jisung had ever heard.

     "Han-ah..." he moaned brokenly as his hands slid into Jisung's hair, knocking the cap he wore to the floor in the process. The younger hummed in response as he left open-mouthed kisses below his ear, gripping his hips harshly to keep him still. Minho's eyes slipped shut as he massaged the other's scalp, whimpering when Jisung pressed against his awakened length. Historically, he had incredible self-restraint when it came to his libido. Jisung, however, was an exception. It was like he was a snake charmer – getting a (literal) rise out of Minho at the slightest touch. As soon as he was caught within his web, he quickly turned to putty in his hands. "Please..." he pleaded urgently as he tried to squirm from Jisung's restraint.

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