⸨♥Chapter Two♥⸩

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"'About us?' What about us?" His curiosity peaked at the statement; Minho rolled to his side to look at Jisung properly. The younger man seemed troubled in some way as he took a moment to think, his lower lip trapped between his teeth. His attention drifted from Minho's lips to his own hands as he seemingly tried his best to avoid his friend's inquisitive gaze. Minho had a pretty good idea of what was bothering him. He himself pondered the contents of the video on their ride home, but he had assumed that Jisung didn't think much of it, so he brushed it off as a misunderstanding on the side of STAYs.

After a moment he finally let out an awkward chuckle. Eyes still averted from the elder and searching for something to focus on, he spoke softly – barely above a whisper, "Like, if we could actually have some sort of attraction, I guess? And like, could we actually be close in a way that we don't really realize? Y'know... That way." He paused for a moment. "I don't know. It's probably stupid." The younger of the two's gaze finally rose to meet the other's. Minho could tell from his expression that he was flustered and second-guessing himself. While Jisung did suffer from anxiety often, this was new to him. They generally had no issue talking about anything together.

Minho hummed and held his hand to his chin in a stereotypical thinking pose. Of course he found the other man attractive; he always had thought he had his own unique charms. But that was normal between friends, right? His eyes studied Jisung's face, sensing that his momentary silence only fed into his anxiety. In all honesty, he wasn't sure what to say to that. He didn't know the answer, himself. "Well... What if we just test it? Then we'll know for sure, right?" The younger man seemed to relax slightly at the suggestion before knitting his brows together in confusion.

"Wait, how would we do that?" Jisung wondered aloud, trying his best to think of a solution.

"You could try kissing me," Minho suggested with a toothy grin. He really wanted to ease the tension that had built around them; he wasn't expecting the other to take it seriously.

The younger man's eyes widened, his eyes switching targets from his eyes to his lips. They looked so kissable – soft, plump, and tinged a rosey pink... Warmth spread across his cheeks as he found himself considering it more easily than he expected. But there was another problem. Jisung had never actually kissed anyone else before. Sure, he had a classmate try to kiss him in kindergarten, but that really didn't count. There was also the supposed kiss between he and Jeongin, but that didn't count either. And what about Minho being not only his best friend, but a man? He himself was open-minded and never focused on gender, but he wasn't sure if it was the same for the older.

"K-Kiss? You want me to kiss you, Hyung?" Jisung stuttered, shifting so he was sitting up on his knees. Minho followed suit, sitting across from him. They were close enough that their knees touched, which only added to the nervous energy surrounding them. The older man brought his thumb to his mouth, nibbling lightly on the digit as he pondered the situation. He himself really didn't have much experience when it came to romance or physical intimacy. In fact, he had none. Before their debut, he was far too invested in his education, work, and dance to ever consider a relationship that was more than familial or platonic. Despite his inexperience and the impromptu nature behind his suggestion, he was surprised that he didn't mind the idea all too much...

Minho shifted closer, scanning the other's face as he tried to read his expression. He reached a hand out to Jisung's knee and rested it there, giving a small squeeze in an attempt to reassure him. The latter jumped slightly in surprise as his thoughts were interrupted by the gesture, but he couldn't deny that it did help him feel more at ease. Minho tongue darted out to wet his lips before he spoke softly, "Is that okay? Do you want to try it, Han-ah?"

Jisung's face felt impossibly warmer, stomach swirling in a way he couldn't describe. It wasn't entirely unpleasant. He once again chewed at his lower lip before nodding. He placed his hand over Minho's that was still residing on his knee. His heart was beating a million miles a minute; min foggy despite working overtime. Jisung shuffled forward slightly as he shrunk under the older man's gaze, pondering why he felt so anxiously excited at the prospect of sharing his official first kiss with his band member. Said member swallowed dryly before bringing his free hand up to cup Jisung's fluffy cheek. His thumb caressed under his eye as he admired how soft and clear the man's skin was.

After a few more moments, he leant forward to meet his lips with Jisung's. The latter's breath hitched in his throat as his eyes squeezed shut and his whole body tensed in anticipation. Minho paused, close enough for them to feel each other's breath. He chuckled at Jisung's reaction and refocused his target to his cheek. He planted a soft kiss beside his mouth rather than on his lips, not wanting to force it when the younger obviously seemed so affected by their 'test'. If he was honest with himself, he was also extremely nervous and had his own butterflies in his stomach. Maybe now just isn't the right time, he thought.

Jisung's eyes fluttered open, and he placed his fingertips where the kiss had been given. Dumbstruck, he wondered why he hadn't kissed him properly. Did he not really want to kiss me? Was he just messing around this whole time? These intrusive thoughts and countless more flooded his mind as Minho pulled away, grabbing their bowl of popcorn, and taking it to the kitchen to be put away. Jisung's heart continued to pound and stomach swirled, cheeks and ears seemingly tinted red indefinitely. What he didn't see was that his best friend was in the same predicament.

"What am I supposed to do now?", the young men asked themselves.


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