⸨♥Chapter Four♥⸩

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     "Can I try again?"

     Minho's mouth opened to respond but his words got caught in his throat. He eagerly nodded and gave a small smile and hand squeeze instead. He quickly switched to sitting up on his knees, not breaking the connection of their hands. Jisung returned the grin and squeeze before shuffling closer, settling so his folded legs were placed on either side of Minho's – trying to get as close as possible without sitting directly on his lap. He raised his hand but stopped short of the other's blushed cheek. "Oh wait," he murmured, scuttling over to lock the door before returning to his position. Another member seeing them in this situation would be hard to explain, to say the least.

     The younger man once again lifted his hand to caress Minho's face, his thumb swiping over the other's plump bottom lip. He took a moment to appreciate his best friend's ethereal beauty before leaning closer to whisper into his ear, "You're, like, really pretty, y'know? I wasn't lying when I said that before..." He retreated as Minho let out a breathless laugh, heart feeling like it was about to jump out of his chest at any moment. He leant into the hand that still rested on his cheek, his free hand moving to Jisung's strong chest. The other had certainly bulked up a lot recently and he couldn't help but notice how firm he felt. Beneath his hand he also noticed just how rapidly the other man's heart was racing. It only fueled his anticipation as he lightly patted the spot and pouted. If the younger didn't hurry, the buildup was going to be the death of him.

     Luckily for him, Jisung took the initiative to close the distance between them in a gentle yet lasting kiss. He pulled away slightly to evaluate the other's reaction, but Minho just chased his lips as his arms moved up to encircle his neck. The younger smirked slightly as their mouths once again met before pressing impossibly closer and settling into the kiss, this time deepening their connection. Neither had much kissing experience - seeing as this was their first - but they let themselves savor how wonderful it felt to have their lips move simultaneously. The two let any hesitations or outside worries pass them for now. Somehow it just felt so... right.

     Minho broke the kiss this time to catch some air, his forehead pressing against the other's as their gazes met once again. Both of their cheeks were flushed, lips swollen slightly from the persistence of their kisses. But there was also something new within their deep-brown eyes – desire. The intermission was brief; Minho somehow ended up on his back as Jisung was hovering above him, his arm placed beside the other's head as to avoid fully resting on him. He tried his best to keep his hips away from the older while their lips danced, hoping that Minho hadn't noticed the effect their relentless close-mouthed kisses were having on his libido. Unbeknownst to him, lust was also arising within the panting man beneath him as their kiss broke and Jisung instead planted wet kisses along his jaw and neck. Minho grasped at his shoulders, tilting his head to the side to allow better access as a contented sigh slipped out.

     A rustling of the doorknob and a knock suddenly broke their concentration. They gawked at each other briefly before Minho got up and waddled to unlock the door as the other rushed to wrap himself in a blanket and pretend to be asleep. Being on the bottom bunk had the advantage of being more obscured and dimly lit than the top, which allowed the slender man to hide himself against the wall. After sucking in a shaky breath, Minho opened their door to find a very sleepy Chan. His hair was stuck up in all directions and he wobbled as if he would fall asleep standing up. He sighed a breath of relief as their leader lazily crossed the threshold and crawled up the bunk ladder before promptly landing his head on his pillow. It only took a few moments before they heard a soft snore. Chan never remembered things that happened when he was half asleep, so they had escaped the potentially awkward scenario.

     Jisung waited a few more minutes before deeming it safe and rolling out of the bottom bunk. The newly found courage he had when they were exploring each other's lips was completely gone. He meekly glanced at Minho, who was still stood beside the door and shuffling uncomfortably. The elder desperately hoped that the low lighting hid the reaction his body had from the ordeal, too afraid to rejoin Jisung in bed while in that condition. He didn't want to scare him off or make him think poorly of him. The situation between the friends was already foreign enough without a very clear erection thrown into the mix.

     Jisung made his way over to him, sneaking cautiously like a ninja to avoid waking the oldest man who was tucked away in his bed a mere few feet away. His hands were rested in front of his sweatpants in an effort to nonchalantly disguise his own risen tent. "Stupid sweatpants," he silently cursed to himself. The loose fabric really didn't hide anything. The younger man audibly gulped as he was now in front of Minho. Both were deadly flustered and weren't too sure what to say to the other. Minho cleared his throat before letting out a small, "Um, goodnight I guess." His eyes that were seemingly glued to the floor finally lifted, meeting Jisung's as the latter nodded. He hesitated for a moment before quickly planting a peck onto the older's cheek and scurrying back to his own room.

     Minho touched the place he had kissed as a grin spread across his face. The butterflies in their stomachs weren't calming down anytime soon. But as amazing as it felt, the results of this test were proving difficult to process, especially when surrounded by the remaining six members.       


     The other members had picked up on the sudden mood shift between the two during the rest of their break. When one of them left their bedroom, the other suddenly had something to do in another room. When they had their meals together, they sat away from each other and didn't speak – only timidly peeking at the other when the other was distracted.  They were clearly avoiding each other, but the rest of the group couldn't figure out why. So, they concocted a plan to get them to finally face each other.  The last free day had approached them far too quickly for their liking. The members were laying about near-lifelessly as a movie played – not thrilled to jump right back into their tight schedules the next day. Jisung and Minho were obviously sat in opposite corners of the living room, still exchanging not-so-subtle glances occasionally when they thought the other wasn't looking.

     "Alright!" Felix clapped his hands together and spoke loudly, which caused all the members to raise their heads from where they resided. "Changbinnie-hyung and I came up with what we should do today!" The blonde bounced in his spot excitedly. Seungmin groaned and looked up from the drama he was watching on his phone, pulling out his earbud to listen to whatever they had planned. He really didn't feel like leaving the house when he had k-dramas to binge and baseball to watch.

     Changbin sat up on the sofa and let out a devilish giggle, "We're doing team escape rooms! It will be fun and the losing team has to buy dinner! Plus it's a good team-building thing among the partners." Hyunjin and Jeongin shot up and joined in Felix's infectious excitement. It had been a while since they had gone out to do something fun together without being filmed. Being competitive was a trait among most of the members, so it also offered an opportunity to beat the others and rub it in their faces.

     "Do we get to choose our own partner?" questioned an uncharacteristically meek Minho. This earned a stare from Jisung. He had picked up on his tone and pondered what could have caused it. He had been so stuck inside his own head that he hadn't considered the fact that Minho was also trying to organize his own worries and emotions. If only he could know what was going on inside the other's head without having to outright ask him.

     "Tch, no. We already came up with that!" Felix grinned at Chan before pointing at the fellow Aussie. "Me and Channie-hyung, I.N and Hyunjin, Changbin-hyung and Seungmin," he listed off each predetermined team before his eyes met those of Jisung. A coy grin spread across his face before pointing toward the duo, "And Hannie and Lee Know-hyung, of course!"

     The aforementioned pair looked at each other, their anxieties rising from the awkwardness they allowed to flourish over the past two days. Neither would admit, but there was also a hint of excitement at the prospect of being alone in a secured room together – no one to disrupt their activities this time.


[It turns out that it's a bit challenging to explain something like this... I can picture it clearly but putting it to words is a different story. I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless. ♥]

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