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Hyunjin shifted to his back as he let out a sigh , the rain was pretty bad and he couldn't get any sleep with the loud rumbling .

Hyunjin frowned when he heard a small sniffle coming from Felix's side of the room . Hyunjin lifted his head to try and see but the room was too dark .

Hyunjin waited a while to see if he was imagining it but everytime he heard the thunder clash he could here small sobs and sniffles coming from Felix .

"Felix?" Hyunjin called out softly as he looked up at the ceiling , waiting for Felix to answer .

"Lix?" Hyunjin called again , assuming Felix might've slipped .

Felix let out a loud whine in response before starting to let out muffled sobs .

"Felix ?" Hyunjin jumped out of bed , almost tripping on his own feet as he crossed the room to Felix's side.

"where are you ?" Hyunjin asked as he rummaged in Felix's blanket and plushies on his bed , the darkness preventing him from seeing anything .

Hyunjin got no answer from the younger so he stopped moving for a second to use his ears to find him . He heard soft sobs coming from-

"Felix?" Hyunjin bent down on one knee and looked under the bed .

Felix let out a wavered humm between his sobs , making it clear he was underneath there .

"What are you doing over there ? Commere" hyunjin said as he tried to grab Felix and pull him out but Felix started to fight out of hyunjin's grip .

"Yah it's me stop it !" Hyunjin grunted as he practically slid Felix out from under the bed , making Felix cry louder at they way hyunjin pulled his arm .

Felix tried to crawl back under the bed but it was cold and felix would probably get sick .

"Lix!" Hyunjin whisper shouted to make him come to his senses but obviously that didn't work .

Hyunjin grunted angrily as he carried felix up off the floor and quickly tossed him on his bed , and felix was only getting louder .

"It's only the rain it'll go away " hyunjin tried to make Felix quiet down and tuck him back in.

"No!" Felix sobbed and kicked his sheets.

As hyunjin was trying to hold him down , the thunder clashed again , startling Felix with a yelp as he charged into hyunjin . Hugging his waist as he buried his face in hyunjin's stomach , slightly standing on his knees .

Hyunjin stood at the side of Felix's bed with his arms up slightly , not touching Felix even though he wanted to deep down .

"F-felix-" hyunjin stuttered , trying to slide Felix off him but Felix only hugged him tighter .

Hyunjin managed to pull Felix away from him lay him back into his bed . Felix calmed down and watched as hyunjin took some of his plushies and arrange it neatly around Felix so he'd feel safe .

"okay ?" Hyunjin asked reassuringly and Felix nodded , bundling the blanket in his hands like little paws .

hyunjin crossed the room to his bed and got into it . He tossed his blanket over his shoulder as he lay on his side , facing the wall .

Hyunjin heard Felix whine softly right in hyunjin's ear making hyunjin jump and turn around to find Felix already getting into the bed next to him .

"Woah woah woah woah-" hyunjin put his hands out to cover his bed to prevent Felix from getting in bed with him but the thunder struck again and Felix jumped in fear as he let out a whimper , shoving hyunjin and getting into his bed .

Hyunjin watched Felix bundle up in his blankets , trembling slightly was he held his tears .

"Ugh fine" hyunjin sighed as he lay back in bed , too sleepy to do anything about Felix .

Hyunjin back faced Felix and scooted closer to the wall .

The thunder clashed again and Felix jumped as he wrapped his arm over Hyunjin's waist and snuggled his face into hyunjin's broad back .

Hyunjin could feel felix trembling and letting out small sobs . Felix's feet were icy cold and hyunjin had the urge to just cuddle the boy .

Hyunjin spun around and pulled Felix into his chest , knotting his legs in between Felix's legs to keep him warm as he tucked the blanket around Felix nicely .

Hyunjin put his warm feet over Felix's small cold one's to warm them up and hyunjin could already feet Felix was calming down.

Even though Hyunjin's was so tired , he couldn't get a wink in this position with Felix in his bed .

He kept wanting to sniff the boy or do other weird shit that he shouldn't be wanting to do to his brother .

But he couldn't help it . Felix was just- different from all the other people he'd met .

Hyunjin pushed his thoughts out of his head , telling himself he only felt this way for Felix because was just downright cute and anyone would want to show him love and affection .

But then he started making up fake scenarios in his head , they were getting out of hand and he'd barely spent a week with the boy . Maybe his hormones were just going crazy .

"Hyunjin-" Felix woke up and moved away slightly as he stretched .

"What's wrong Lix ?" Hyunjin asked , still not letting go of the boy .

"No- It's me- Felix" Felix said as he tried to slid hyunjin's hands off him , hyunjin noticed and moved away from Felix as he got out of hyunjin's bed .

"Sorry I did that . I just- anyways I'm sorry " Felix said as he headed to his side of the room .

"I don't mind" hyunjin said , slightly sad that Felix wanted to go back to his bed .

Felix stopped moving for a second to process what hyunjin just said , especially in the tone he said it . But Felix just shrugged it off thinking hyunjin was just too sleepy .

Hyunjin picked up his phone and looked at the time , it was 5:34am .

Hyunjin smiled slightly , knowing he had felix in his embrace for quite a long time but immediately came to his senses and decided to get some sleep .


I have no memory of posting this so unpublished it and read through it . I still have no memory of writing it but eh

I'll just post it anyways :]

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