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Felix sat in the car after lugging his suitcase in the car by himself only to find hyunjin sitting next to him in the backseat . He rolled his eyes in disgust and looked out the window to distract himself while hyunjin was on his phone .

Felix's window rolled down and his mother came up to the window trying to keep a straight face .

"I Can't believe you're sending me alone with him" Felix said in English , angrily avoiding eye contact with his mother .

"Grandma will take care of you and you can always call me when you need to" she said as she leaned on the window .

"Pampered" Hyunjin said in Korean under his breath and rolled his eyes .

"Oh Fuck you!" Felix spat in irritation as he turned to charge at hyunjin .

"Tsk Felix!" His mother warned and he quiet down , sinking into the seat with his arms crossed.

"Now play nice" she said to both of them before she moved away from the window .

"Hyunjin you better behave" hyunjin's father said sternly as the window rolled up .

The car started and Felix wanted anything but to throw this creature out of the car .

But it seemed peaceful because hyunjin was busy in his phone .

Felix waved at his mother while hyunjin didn't even bother to look out the window , he was busy putting his earpods on .

The car drove out of the lane and it took Felix a few seconds to process this was actually happening .

Felix's mother and hyunjin's father got married a few months ago and hyunjin and Felix never got along even for a second. Maybe They just hated the fact that they were brothers . Or at least step-brothers .

Hyunjin lost his mother 2 years ago and he hates his father for getting remarried so soon . Felix doesn't really mind because he lost his father when he was quite young and hyunjin's father seems like a nice guy . But his son was the most rudest , arrogant person .

A hour had passed and so far the car was quiet , Felix was busy looking out the window and hyunjin was still on his phone . Felix had never felt this peaceful around hyunjin before , usually they'd fight with two minutes of being together .

Felix started to fear he might slip because of the surroundings . And somehow the drive reminded him of his childhood , making it worse but he tried to hold himself together and ended up falling asleep .

"Get up you dick" hyunjin shoved Felix roughly before he got out of the car .

Felix got out in a daze and walked to the dickey to get his luggage but surprisingly hyunjin took it out for him but flung it at him for him to catch .

"Felix!" A woman's voice said as she approached Felix with her arms open .

"Halmeoni!" Felix yelped in excitement as he dropped his luggage and fell into his grandmother's embrace and gave her a tight hug while hyunjin stood there awkwardly .

"Don't just stand there " Felix's grandmother looked over Felix's shoulder at hyunjin , swishing her hand , indicating hyunjin to join in on the hug .

"No thanks I'm good" hyunjin put his and out .

"I didn't ask" she said as she walked to hyunjin , still hugging Felix , before grabbing hyunjin and scuffing him into the hug .

Hyunjin was pushed onto Felix and he couldn't help but try and keep the space between them but Felix's grandmother was holding him tight .

Felix's soft black hair smelt so nice it made hyunjin's adrenaline rush , he couldn't help but want to sniff him . Not to mention how cute Felix looked in the car when he was fast asleep .

Hyunjin hated Felix for only one reason , because he was jealous of him . Hyunjin couldn't understand why his mother pampered him so much and it looks like his grandmother pampers him too .

Hyunjin wanted that kind of treatment . He never got it even when his mother was around. He decided to keep up the whole "I don't need any affection" act to make himself feel better but deep down all he needed was love and affection .

Felix's grandmother broke the hug, snapping hyunjin into his senses and moving away from Felix .

Felix glanced at hyunjin with his face clearly all flushed and embarrassed .

"Let's go inside now boys" Felix's grandmother smiled brightly as she dragged them inside her cute house that gave warm happy vibes .

"I made lunch for y'all , so y'all want to shower first and then eat or eat and then shower ?" She asked both of them , keeping her smile .

"Shower first" both of them answered in union .

"Oh but then y'all will have to take turns . There's only one bathroom" she reminded Felix .

"Wait" Felix's mood dropped and face got serious when he realised something .

"That means I'll also have to share my room with him !?" Felix screamed when he realised there was only one extra room .

"I guess so" she answered .

"But- but halmeoni !" Felix Screamed between his teeth as he leaned to whisper something in her ear .

"He doesn't know" Felix whispered but unfortunately it was loud enough for hyunjin to heard , hyunjin frowned slightly in confusion.

"He's your brother , he's bound to find out sometime" Felix's grandmother said cooly .

"No ! Halmeoni no! Can't he sleep on the- on the- couch!?" Felix asked as he pointed to the couch.

Hyunjin stood there confused . For the few months hyunjin knew Felix , he noticed Felix was always possessive of his room and never let anyone in except for his mother and hyunjin never understood why . There were also other things that he didn't understand but he just assumed the family was weird.

"I'm sorry Lixy I already got another bed set up in your room for him" she said with a pout as she cupped Felix's cheek . Hyunjin rolled his eyes at how pampered he was .

"Don't call me that halmeoni!" Felix whined through his teeth , warning his grandmother not to let him slip in front of hyunjin.

But it was too late Felix was already too overwhelmed about the whole thing and the house's warm vibes made it worse . He felt tears roll up in his eyes before he flashed to his room and slammed the door shut.

Hyunjin was even more confused . What the fuck was happening . We're people always this weird or it is just this family ?

Felix's grandmother called out to felix before she rushed to the kitchen to do something and quickly came out with a......sippy cup ?

"Hyunjin dear you can help yourself to the food , it's all set out on the table" she said as she seemed to be in a hurry , rushing to Felix's room .

"B-but what's the sippy cup for ?" Hyunjin asked , hesitantly pointing to the cup with milk in it .

"Uh- um- I don't know if I should tell you this because Felix didn't want you to know, but I think it's important you know because your his brother- well at least step-brother" she whispered making hyunjin more curious.

"Lix is a little" she said .

"A little what?" Hyunjin asked blankly , waiting for her to finished her sentence . But she sighed before she continued to speak.

"Haven't you heard of little space ?" She asked .

"Oh! Y-yeah I have" hyunjin said in realisation .

"Well Felix is a little" she said before hurrying off to Felix's room .

Hyunjin managed to take a peek into Felix's room as Felix's grandmother went it and hyunjin could see Felix's bed a mess with toys and plushies.

"Damn he's a little ? That's why he gets so pampered ?" Hyunjin asked himself as he stood there making sense of everything .


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