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Felix hissed in pain as he dropped the knife in his hand and sucked on his finger .

"Yah! Wha- Did you cut yourself ?"hyunjin asked angrily as he snatched Felix's hand out of his mouth and looked at it to find blood oozing out of the deep cut and trickling down his small finger.

"Why can't you do anything properly-?" Hyunjin continued complaining as he dragged Felix to the sink and put his finger under the water .

Once the blood was washed away hyunjin looked around to find something to stop the bleeding and let out a sound of frustration when he couldn't find anything sanitary enough , still holding Felix's hurt hand.

"Halmeoni!" Hyunjin called out as he lifted up his shirt and wrapped Felix's bleeding finger in it tightly , adding pressure to the wound.

While hyunjin was so bothered about Felix's cut finger , Felix just stood there in shock . Wondering why hyunjin even cared so much.

Felix looked down to see hyunjin's vline and abs slightly showing because of the way hyunjin held his shirt around Felix's finger .

"Halmeoni ! Felix got cut can you bring the first aid ?" Hyunjin yelled again from the kitchen .

"Omo!" Halmeoni yelled from the living room and immediately bussled around the house while hyunjin and Felix stood in the kitchen .

"W-why? Why are you s-suddenly being nice to me ?" Felix asked to break the silence only to make it more awkward.

Realisation hit hyunjin like a train as he quickly let go of Felix's bleeding hand , his tshirt dropping back down with a little blood stain on it , staring at Felix as his face flushed in embarrassment .

"Show me ! Is it bad !?" Halmeoni rushed up to Felix in panic , grabbing his hand and scanning it .

"No no- halmeoni it's nothing" Felix answered softly as he glanced at hyunjin who was looking away in embarrassment . He looked like he was mentally slapping himself .

All this time hyunjin hated Felix for being babied and now here he was babying Felix himself and they barely spent 2 days here .

"Aigoo! I told you to be more careful-! hyunjin ! You continue cutting the vegetables !" Felix's grandmother told hyunjin as she treated Felix's cut .

"No no it's just a little cut I can continue halmeoni-" Felix tried to pull his hand away .

"This is not A LITTLE cut . And you will do as I say " she said firmly .

"But you're already not letting me by the stove and now you're not letting me near the knife , so what am I supposed to do ?" Felix asked , almost angrily .

"You can....." She looked around the room to find something that Felix could do .

"Do the dishes!" She answered , pointing at the sink .

"No but you just cut your hand it'll get infected-" she said softly as she tried to find something else.

"Halmeoni really ! I'm fine ! Go back to what you were doing " Felix said as he held her shoulders and led her out of the kitchen as she complained and Felix trying to convince her .

Felix came back into the kitchen and headed straight at hyunjin , making hyunjin panic slightly .

"What was that ? Just now ?" Felix ask , standing in front of hyunjin .

"W-what was what?" Hyunjin asked, avoiding eye contact.

"You want me to say it out and make it more awkward than it is right now ?" Felix said .

Hyunjin stayed quiet , his eyes looking at Felix's feet , his back pressed against the counter .

"What are you suddenly being nice for ?" Felix asked again .

"I don't have to explain myself to you" hyunjin answered , trying to make it sound like he wasn't embarrassed .

"Actually you do , If we're going to get along." Felix answered.

"Face it hyunjin" Felix started , making hyunjin curious about what he was supposed to face .

"I'm hard to hate aren't I ?" Felix said with a big proud smile .

Hyunjin tried to deny it in panic but failed miserably . Felix was right , he is impossibly hard to hate .

"Oh fuck you!" Hyunjin yelled in embarrassment as he pushed Felix who was laughing at him hysterically but Felix only stumbled back laughing louder .

"I should take a picture of you right now !" Felix laughed as pointed to hyunjin's face .

Felix pulled out his phone from his pocket as he continued laughing as he unlocked it .

"No ! Yah I'm waring you-!" Hyunjin warned as he tried to grab the phone from Felix who was holding in behind himself , waiting for a chance to take a picture while still laughing .

"Yah! Do you want to die !?" Hyunjin screamed when he heard the camera click .

Felix glanced at his phone screen to see the blurry picture he took of hyunjin's panicked face trying to get Felix's phone , making Felix burst into louder hysterical laugher .

Hyunjin immediately snatched the phone out from Felix's hand and held his about his head as he tried to delete it as Felix charged at him. Not wanting him to delete that priceless photo.

"What are you two doing , the chicken's burning here !?" Felix's grandmother rushed in angrily when she got the burning smell , making Felix move away from hyunjin realising how close they were as hyunjin drop his hands down , gripping Felix's phone in his hand tightly .

"out of my kitchen you rascals ! I'll do it myself !" She exclaimed when she noticed the mess they made just make some food .

Hyunjin glanced at felix and ran out of the room with his phone like a little kid , Felix screaming and running behind him , begging him not to delete the photo .

Felix chased hyunjin around the living room as hyunjin dodged him while trying to delete it .

Hyunjin jumped into the couch and stood on it to hold the phone up and away from Felix but Felix stood on the couch too and desperately tried to pull hyunjin's arm down as he jumped on the couch.

"Done ! It's deleted!" Hyunjin said before he dropped Felix's phone and it fell on the couch with a plop before hyunjin sat himself on the couch with a plop like a cartoon character .

"Noooooooo!!!" Felix fake sobbed and fell next to hyunjin and grabbed his phone and held it up to his face to find the photo deleted .

"Noooooooo!!!!" Felix dramatically fake sobbed like he was the female character in a movie who's lover just got stabbed .

"Take your two grandchildren over the summer they said , it'll be fun they said" Felix's grandmother mumbled under her breath as she cleaned the mess hyunjin and Felix made .


I kissed my brotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora