Chapter 10

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"Have you made a decision yet?" Kayla would ask me while we would walk up to the park. "I am still conflicted." I'd say as we both sat on the bench. "I love you, but I just feel off." She'd say as she grabbed my hand. I'd still feel my emotions crumbling down all at once through this moment. "Do you feel the same?" she'd ask as I looked slowly at her. I felt my phone vibrating as I pulled it out. It was a message from Valerie, and she wanted me to come over tonight. 

     "Hayley?" Kayla would say as I apologized. "I asked you if you felt the same." she'd say as I held the tears back. "You're still thinking about her." she'd say, putting her hand off of mine. She'd stare at the ground as she looked upset. It was at this point I knew I was hurting everyone I knew and loved. "I'm so sorry." I'd say as I felt the tears run down my cheeks. "It's not a hard decision, Hayley." she'd say as she got up.

     "You didn't have to date me if you don't feel the same way." She'd say as I started crying not being able to utter the right words to say. My phone would start ringing as Kayla would notice. "Your phone is ringing." she'd say as I wipe the tears away from my eyes. Kayla would notice it was from Valerie and said "I'll give you some time." as she walked around for a while. 

     I would answer and we would speak for a bit. She asked if I was able to come over and I asked "Why tonight?" as she would reply it was important. I told her I didn't know how Kayla would feel, and she said she could come over too. I would agree to come over as we both eventually hung up with each other. Kayla would walk over and asked "How did it go?" I'd tell her "She wants us over tonight." as she sighed. "We all do need to talk." she'd say as we both began walking to her house."

     I know how emotional it is for you." Kayla would say after a moment of silence. I'd look at her and tell her "It does take a toll on me emotionally." she would reply "I understand." as we continued to walk for a while. "Here we are." Kayla would say as she knocked on the door this time. Valerie would open it and greet us. "Come on in!" she'd say as she closed the door behind us. "We really need to speak." Kayla would say as we all sat down. 

     "What did you want to talk about?" Valerie would ask as Kayla replied "About last night." as Valerie quickly realized. "Oh, I understand. Listen I'm sorry." she'd say as Kayla replied "I just want a resolution to all of this." while I sat there anxiously. "I really care about her, I always cared about her since we were in high school together." Valerie would say as Kayla understood. 

     "I never wanted to interfere in your relationship." Valerie would say as she started to realize what she caused. "I guess you could say I'm jealous." she'd say honestly as Kayla replied "It does feel like that." while Valerie would get teary eyed. "You can still love each other as best friends." Kayla would say while tears ran down Valerie's cheek. "Hayley, I want you to be honest and tell me who you want to be with." Kayla would ask as I started to heat up.

     I stared at them both in silence while I could barely breathe. "Hayley?" Kayla would say as my vision was nearly fading out, I'd fall to the floor. "I think she's having a panic attack." Valerie would exclaim as Valerie rushed to my aid. "Listen, it's okay." Valerie would say as Kayla would silently walk away. "Where are you going?" Valerie would exclaim as she heard the door slam shut. "I'll grab you water." she'd say as she rushes into the kitchen. 

     She quickly gives me the water as I'd drink it. "Breathe slowly and deeply Hayley." Valerie would say as she would pick me up. She would help walk me up the stairs and over to her bed. "Keep breathing deeply for me." Val said as she'd stay by my side. I slowly calmed down after a few moments. "I'm here for you, just remember that." she'd say as she hugged me. 

     "Where did Kayla go?" I'd ask as Valerie replied "She walked out. She didn't even help out." as I'd begin to tear up. Valerie would hug me and say "You're worth more than this." as she pats me on the back. "You can stay the night, it did get pretty late. It doesn't look like she was outside either." she'd say as I agreed to stay the night.

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