Chapter 1

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Laughter was heard under the bridge at night as I walked through. Something felt so familiar to me as I began to take it all in. The fresh air under the bridge at night would be the place for me. Where I could be myself. I felt so free as the cars passed above me. I think I started to enjoy the aesthetics that I would see as I walked forward.

     The breeze would make my hair flow as I enjoyed every second of it. It was much better than being at home, this was my home away from home. I felt so connected to the outside world at night while things grew quiet. It felt as if I were the only one left on earth.

     I'd look up at the sky and it would have my full attention. The stars looked beautiful and so peaceful while the moon shines bright like a diamond in the night. I would begin to dread the way home as fear filled my body. My heart would race as I started to walk my way home. I knew what would happen as I would walk in.

     When I walked up streets with the beautiful streetlights glowing over me, I felt the cozy feeling inside. But alas, I would nearly be home by then. I had to prepare myself for what was to come. I would walk up to the patio and look up at the stars and wish upon them. I would wish I could finally be free. It felt impossible but to me, it filled me with confidence.

     I would step inside as the door creeks while it opens. I'd hear my parents arguing again as I try to say hello. They would completely ignore me as I felt the frustrated looks they would give me as I walked up the stairs. They would ask "Where are you going?" as I stopped in my tracks. I stared at them and asked them "Where else would I go?" as my parents tried to shift their anger on to me.

     "Listen I don't know what your deal is, but I don't want any part in it." I would say with a serious tone to let them understand I was serious. They were having none of it unfortunately. I would stomp on each stair as I went up, ignoring the hatred they'd express. I walk into my room and grab my headphones and listen to my favorite songs, while browsing through my phone.

     It was at that moment I would hear loud knocking on my door. I was sure it was not my music as I took my headphones off. I open the door to my mom, looking pissed off. "Why don't you hang out with us anymore?" she says shouting at me. I would think that question was a joke as she looked serious.

     "That's a joke, right?" I said as I looked at her confused. She said "I don't think you even care about your parents." as she looks me in the eye and I stand there speechless. "I don't know how to say it without sounding rude." I said as I wiped my eyes. She then walks away, stomping down each stair as she went down. I was left standing at my doorstep, thinking what went wrong.

     I would slowly close my door, as I felt locked inside of my own personal prison. "Does this really feel like home?" I pondered to myself as I walk around my room. It was getting late as I looked at the clock next to my bed. But I felt so alone, I knew I couldn't keep doing this alone.

     I turned the lights off as I laid in my bed. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours before I could fight the emotions away. I figured I broke my sleep schedule, but what did it matter anymore? All I would count on, are the stars in the sky that I wished upon. Hoping my dreams would come true.

     When I fell asleep, I would have a lucid dream. I would be back under that same bridge I walked through, I felt happy yet again. Though, things felt off to me. I'd see a woman with beautiful brown eyes, and gorgeous blonde hair. I had no choice but to go up to her. I start by saying "Hi." As I introduced myself.

     She would say "Get up." as I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asked That was when I woke up. My mom was telling me to get up. I get out of my covers as I asked why. She would reply "You're sleeping your entire day away!" in an angered tone. I ask, "Why would you care?" she replied "You're being cocky now." as I sighed.

     "I'll get up and go take a walk." I told her as I get up and start to comb my hair. "Oh so you're leaving us again? Your dad wont be happy about this." she replied as I place the comb down and look at her mad. "You complain about every little thing I do don't you?" I said as anger filled the tone in my voice. I left her speechless as I go back to combing my hair.

     "I'll go tell your dad about this." she would say as she walks out of my room and down the stairs. I just could not care any less for this. I was ready to free my mind of my frustrations. I would grab my clothes, put them on and head downstairs. "You can't go outside young lady." my dad said as I looked at him with disbelief. "Stop trying to start with me." I replied as he stepped closer.

     "Your mom told me you were arguing with her." he would tell me as if I didn't know. "Yeah, and? She keeps starting with me." I say with an angry tone. He would continue to try and speak with me as I head out the door and close it behind me. I was so fed up by this point as I cross the street. I check my phone as my friends text in the group chat.

     "We should really meet up tonight." my friends suggested. I would reply and say it sounded like a great idea. A smile glistened on my face as I would get a call from the group chat. "Hey Hayley!" my friend says with excitement through her voice. "Kayla?" I asked as I have not seen her since high school. "I missed seeing your face around town." she would say as I smiled. "I miss seeing yours! Where are we all meeting tonight?" I ask as we would continue to chat for a while.

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