Chapter 4

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We both wake up as I felt wasted from last night. Valerie gets out of bed and says "Last night was great." as she laughed slightly. "It was really interesting." I said as we both talked for a while. "Was that what you wanted to tell me?" she says as she sat beside me. "I just never had it in me to tell you." I said anxiously. We both put our hands on each others and looked at each other smiling.

     I get up and say "I need to get going." as I fixed my hair and grabbed my stuff. "Call me or text me, I hope we can do this more often." she says with a grin as I walked out the door. "I'll definitely call you." I said as I closed the door. My expression immediately changes, knowing I had to go back to the place I call home. Dreading every moment of it as I felt the breeze go through my hair. I stopped for a few minutes as I took it all in. The outside world is a place of many possibilities, many places to explore.

     I walk up to the bridge one last time before I went back home. "Hayley?" I heard as Kayla would walk up to me. She had a blank expression on her face as she says "It's nice seeing you here." as she slightly smiles at my direction. I go up and immediately hug her. "You know, you really helped me the other night." I said, as I felt thankful. She smiled and nodded her head. "You know, it's what friends do." she says as her hair flows through the wind.

     "We should really hang out sometime." she says as I replied in excitement "I was about to say the same thing!" as we both laughed for a moment. "You know, anytime you need a break from your delusional parents, you know who to call." she says jokingly as I had to get going. "Gotta go, I'll text you later!" I said, waving as we went our separate ways.

     I walk along the streets sighing. I knew where I had to go and what I'd hear. Part of me wants to move, while the other part of me still cares. My mind was in distraught as I needed to move on with my life at some point. All of my friends have houses, and I still live with my parents. Maybe I can finally feel free once I'm gone. I'd stop to sit at a bench near the park. I look up at the clouds and started to unwind. I felt at peace watching as clouds pass on by.

     I slowly get back up and push my hair back as I began walking forward. I felt I was stalling the inevitable as I'd walk towards my house. I grab my keys and unlock the door. While I walk inside my dad sarcastically says "Look who decided to show up." while my mom came out from the kitchen. "It's about time." she replied as she continues to wash the dishes. "You were gone for a day and a half." he says with a blank expression on his face.

     "And?" I reply as I stood there looking at him. He puts his cup down and pointed towards the stairs. "Go to your room." he says as I laughed. "You always think this is a joke don't you?" he says as I said "No, but I'm an adult. I can do whatever I want." I say as I walk up the stairs. My dad sighs as he gets up to follow me into my room. I turn around and ask "Why are you always in my business?" I sighed and tried to shut the door on him.

     He grabs the door and slams it opened, throwing my hands off. "Either listen to me, or move out." he says with a serious expression on his face. "You're not serious." I say as he points towards the stairs. "You know what, I will go." I said, as I stormed downstairs. "You want to be homeless?" he yells as I look back up at him. "I have friends, something you might not have." I say sarcastically as he walks his way downstairs.

     "Excuse me?" he says confronting me. "You heard me. I had enough of you, I had enough of all of this." I say, as I grab a briefcase from the closets. I carry it up the stairs with me as he would look on in disappointment. I quickly text Kayla and ask her if I can come over. She eventually replies and says "Of course." I then put my clothes and belongings in the briefcase, and made sure I grabbed everything. Some tears would fill my eyes as I stormed out of the door. "You got what you wanted, have a good life." I say as I slammed the door shut.

     I'd hear arguing from my mom and dad as I slammed the door. I would keep walking along, looking back occasionally. I felt regret deep inside of me that I couldn't shake off, but one part of me felt at peace. "Life is too short for this." I said to myself as I felt some confidence in me at that moment. I wiped tears off of my face, as I began to cross the street and head to my next destination.

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