Chapter 2

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"Hayley? God it's been ages hasn't it?" says Valerie as we would bond over our experiences after high school. It was safe to say I liked her the moment I saw her again, her curly red hair would instantly catch my attention as we continued to speak. "Your face is really red." Valerie said as I looked startled. "Is it that hot in here?" she would laugh as I try to pull myself together.

     Suddenly I would hear Kayla walk down the stairs as Riley was not far behind. "Heyy you two!" Kayla would say with a grin on her face. She would bring wine for all of us as she pours it into each glass. We all sat next to each other on the couches surrounded by warm lit candles and lights. Valerie would begin speaking to Riley as I took a sip.

     Valerie would down half of the bottle in seconds, as I looked concerned. "Why are you downing the bottle?" I'd ask as she laughed. "It's nothing, you're just silly." as Riley laughed along with her, while Kayla seemed just as concerned as I was. "Why is that funny?" Kayla would ask as the two stopped laughing. "Loosen up Kayla, what are you afraid of?" Riley would reply, as her and Valerie would laugh again.

     "I just noticed, your cheeks are so red." Kayla would tell me as she tries to put her hand on it. "I'm fine, It's just been a long morning." I said as I looked around the room nervously. Riley looked at me and asked "Have you been crushing lately?" while she laughs. "She's just crushing on me, the usual." Valerie would say, as she laughed. I'd look at her and say "What?"

     Valerie would get closer to me. We would stare for a while as Riley chanted "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" while Kayla told Riley to stop. I felt awkward and began to look away. "Sorry." I said as I got up and said "I'll go get water." I walked off as I went up the stairs. Kayla would look at me as I walked up the stairs while Riley and Valerie would just start a conversation.

     I go into the fridge and grab a bottle of water as I stand there near the counter, trying to cool off. I would then see Kayla walking out from the door way, and asked if I was okay. I reassured her everything was fine, as she walks close to me. "Are you and Valerie close?" she asked as I laughed nervously. "No, no. I just haven't seen her in so long." I said as I drank some water.

     "I just couldn't help but notice you two had matching tattoos on ur wrists." Kayla would say as she looked at me with a grin. "We got them in high school." I said quickly as my heart fluttered. I quickly walked away as I felt anxious yet again. Kayla would look at me with her arms crossed, and a grin on her face. "I understand, Hayley." she would tell me as I look back.

     "You do?" I would say as I walked back towards the kitchen. "Of course." she would say as I still felt anxious. I would sigh for a moment as I would tell her the truth. "Me and Valerie have been close since high school." I said as I felt relieved telling her. "It was summer, we went on vacation. We decided it was a good idea to match tats." I said as I felt upset.

     "We got really close, I was too nervous to pull the trigger. I felt it was too good to be true." I ended it with, as I awaited Kayla's response. "I won't tell anyone, you have my word." Kayla says to me with a serious look on her face. I thanked her as I told her "We will see what the future holds." She pats me on the shoulder as I walked back downstairs. Kayla would stop and sigh before joining us again.

     I stepped foot downstairs once again. Riley and Valerie would stare back asking where we went. Kayla would come down and respond for me, "We were upstairs, chatting." she says looking at me. I would agree with Kayla as we took our seats again. I didn't know what to feel as we all conversed about high school. Valerie wouldn't take her sight off of me the time I'd be here.

     We would all talk for hours on end, sharing laughs and memories together. Valerie would suddenly place her hands on her face as it seemed she was feeling down. "Too much wine?" Riley would laugh. "No, it's serious." Valerie said as she looked at me. "Why are you distant?" she asked me as she seemed confused.

     "What do you mean?" I would ask as she wiped her face from the tears. "We used to be so close." she explained as I comforted her. "We always will be close, that never broke apart." I said trying to hold it together. She would look at me and hug me out of nowhere. I try to tell her it'll be okay as we continued hugging for a bit.

     "Don't be such Debbie downers guys." Riley said as she laughs. "Let's all have fun, you know? Party, all of that." she continued to say as Valerie said "Yeah, sounds like a good idea." we all got more wine and put our glasses together. "Cheers!" We all said as we spent the rest of the night reminiscing the good times together.

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