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Today was Friday and I was doing the exact thing my doctor told me not to do. I was playing basketball. I wasn't being hard on myself cause I didn't want to force my knee into a more serious injury. I was just shooting around.

The entire week Ariana has been with Captain Benson and ADA Carisi. They're preparing her for the upcoming trial. I've been prepped too but not as much as her. She's the victim and the defense lawyer, a.k.a Malcom's lawyer, is gonna come at her hard. So that's what they're training her for.

When the bell rang I decided to go to the rest of my classes. I kept having this feeling like something was missing or I was forgetting something. I just didn't know what that something actually was.

"Yo, Y/N." I hear.

I turn around to be be met by Billie. Well there goes that something. "What's up?"

"We need to talk about what happened. You can't keep trying to just forget about it." She says.

"I can and I will. Look, you and I both know it was wrong. We shouldn't have kissed or even gotten that close that night." I respond.

"But you don't mean that or else it wouldn't have happened. I'm not trying to come between you and Ariana. I'm not that kind of person but I can't help who I catch feelings for." Billie says.

"Pirate, you're a nice and pretty girl. There's no debate about that but I found the girl for me. I love being friends with you. I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything so let's just stick to that. Please?" I plead.

Even my conscience didn't believe the shit I just said. Would I have continued the shit I was doing with Billie if Ariana didn't call that night? Yes.

It's not that I have feelings for her like she does with me. I hate to admit it but it's just lust. I have a strong sexual desire for Billie.

"Fine. I'd rather have you as a friend than nothing at all. Swing by my place later?" She asks.

"Bet." I respond.


"You think you're gonna be able to handle it?" I asked Ariana as we laid down together in her bed.

"SVU has thrown anything that his lawyer could possibly say at me. Because of the evidence they found with my rape kit, he's going to prison no matter what. They're just hoping my testimony will give him the max sentence." She answers.

"I know seeing him again will be hard but you got it. You're one of the strongest people I know." I tell her.

I gave her a kiss before preparing to leave. Joan and Ed thought that therapy would help her so she had to leave for that. While she was gone, I was gonna go hang with Billie.

It's like ten minutes between Ariana's house and Billie's. Five if you're speeding. Which I always seem to do.

I walked right in O'Connell's house because one her parents allow me to, but also I don't knock on anyone's door anymore.

"What's up Y/N?" I hear.

"Hey Finneas, how's it going?" I say.

"Pretty good. She's in her room cause I know you're not here for me." He chuckles.

"I could've been." I say.

He raises his eyebrows and it gets silently awkward. "Yeah you're right. I'm definitely not here for you."

We share a laugh before I go into Billie's room. "Sup Pirate."

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming now." She says.

"I haven't came at all." I chuckle, making a dirty joke.

Her face scrunched up. "Bro you're gross."

"That's rich coming from you." I respond.

We chilled, watched movies, smoked weed. Now we're discussing what movies she had and hadn't seen.

"Bro you've never seen Fifty Shades of Grey. Everyone has seen it. You're late man." I say.

"It never looked interesting to me." Billie shrugs.

"Put it on. It's gonna be interesting tonight." I say.

During the first fifteen minutes of it, we smoked again. The first sex scene rolled around and it was Ana losing her virginity to Christian.

"Bro she's never had sex before. She looks a little too old to never had sex before." Billie says.

"That's what I said. Although she's in for a wild ride. He is about to rock her world." I respond.

When the next intimate scene came it was Ana's first time trying bondage with Christian. Damn, I forgot how hot this movie really was. It wasn't until the third scene that really started to make me horny. The background song being Haunted by Beyoncé didn't help.

I look over at Billie and she was biting her lip. Is she turned on?

"Bro, are you enjoying this?" I ask.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She answers all flustered.

"Ah ha, Billie's turned on." I tease like a child, knowing damn well I'm feeling just like her.

"Bro, that's not true." She laughs.

"You're a terrible liar Ms. Billie 'I'm horny' O'Connell." I respond.

Our attention wasn't even on the movie anymore. She was playfully hitting me so I could stop teasing her. She climbed on top of me and started tickling me. Of course we were clothed but her vagina was directly lined up with my dick.

"Ain't no way you're really ticklish." She says.

"No I'm not." I lie clearly laughing.

She found the most ticklish spot on my body which causes me to jump forward. If anything it was more like a thrust and our areas rubbed against each other.

I can hear her lightly moan and that makes my dick twitch against her pussy. She moaned again, this time trying to hide it. Between her low moans and Ana's loud moans on the screen, I was fucked.

"Seems like you're the one that's turned on." Billie says.

"And that's coming from the girl that was just moaning a few seconds ago." I reply.

She never got off of me. Instead she starts teasing me by grinding into me. I wanted to stop her but this felt so good.

This would be my last time doing something like this.


I came inside the condom and threw it away inside the trash bin. I just had mind blowing sex with Billie. I start putting my clothes back on and grabbing my stuff.

I knew I tired her out considering that she was now starting to fall asleep. Once I knew she was knocked out for the night, I quietly left her room and the house.

Once I got in my car, my phone started to ring. Ariana's face flashed across my screen. I started to feel this pang in my chest.

That was day I told myself I couldn't cheat on her anymore.


Alright I'm done with all the cheating, maybe idk yet😉

Anyway let me know what ya think, any ideas feel free to leave them here

Until Next Time

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