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"Alright I'm gonna head to my house and grab a few things. I'll be back in thirty minutes tops." I say.

"Okay, I'll have everything set up by the time you come back." Ariana says.

I grab my phone and my keys and head downstairs.

"You're leaving already?" Her father asks me.

"No sir, I'm going to be back." I answer.

"You can call me Ed, no need to be all formal. So you dating my little girl?" Ed asks.

"Um no I'm not. We're just friends." I say a little unsure but only cause the question caught me off guard.

"Well if you decide to then I give you my blessing." He says.

"Uh thanks I guess. I'm gonna go now Mr.Butera." I say and walk out the door.

Man that shit was awkward. I drive to my house silently. Once there, I enter the house and my mother was there with the moms of my best friends.

"Hey mother and second mother." I say referring to Dinah's mom. I say hi to all of the other wonderful women in the house as well.

"You leaving again sweetie?" My mom asks me.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be at the Grande house if you need me." I answer.

"The Grande household. We were all meeting up with Joan tonight actually. You friends with her daughter, Ariana?" Clara, Lauren's mother, asks me.

"Uh yeah I am actually. Now you girls enjoy your night out but don't enjoy it too much. I happen to be best friends with all of your daughters so I won't hesitate to tell them about this." I say pointing between all of them.

Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Hernandez, Mani and Ally's mom, laugh at my foolishness. While everyone else shakes their heads at me. I check the time and I've already been gone for twenty minutes.

"Oof, I said I'll be back within thirty minutes. I gotta go moms. Love you all and please be safe." I tell the women who were getting ready to leave.

I go upstairs and take a shower before doing anything. I get out and change into something comfortable for the night.

I put on deodorant and my most favorite cologne

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I put on deodorant and my most favorite cologne. I grab my duffle bag and fill it with a change of clothes, my charger, my toothbrush, and anything else that I may need. I check out myself in the mirror one last time before leaving. I was the only one here since Chris is with Nicki so I made sure to lock up the house before I left. I arrived back to the Grande residence an hour after I told Ariana I'd only take thirty minutes.

When I came back inside Ed wasn't there so I'm assuming Ariana is the only one here. I make my way to the tiny woman's room and there she was on her laptop doing God knows what.

Love & Basketball (ariana grande/you)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें