Chapter 5: Jaune's New Groove

Start from the beginning

Jaune blocked a second shot with his shield, before strapping Crocea Mors across his back and pulling out Crescent Rose, compacted into its rifle form.

"Okay, let's see how you like this," the Huntsman declared, looking down the rifle's scope and pulling the trigger. As a single silver bullet casing fell to the ground, so did the villager, the entire left side of his head reduced to bloody pieces.

"Ack!" Blake cringed, her ears flattening against her head as her face turned green. "That's disgusting!"

"I had expected Crescent Rose to be capable of killing someone in one shot," Weiss admitted, her pale face tinged green. "I did NOT expect it to be capable of blowing apart a human's skull, though..."

With the sniper accounted for, Jaune made his way across the boardwalk, heading for the pathway on the other side of the wooden building. Halfway across, though, the building's door was thrown open, revealing a fourth villager, armed with a hatchet.

"Gotcha!" he snarled, hurling the hatchet at the Huntsman's head. Jaime simply tilted his head to avoid the weapon, then pulled out Crocea Mors and hurled it in turn at the villager, watching as the blade sunk into his attacker's chest. Eyes widening, the villager dropped to one knee, clutching at the blade that pierced his lungs. A second later, he was sent flying back into the house as the Huntsman's boot connected with his head, allowing Jaune to more easily reclaim Crocea Mors.

"Look at him go!" Tai laughed, pumping a fist in pleasure. "There's the Jaune Arc we all know and love!"

"Impressive," Winter commented. "Mr. Arc does indeed have skill, just like you said."

"Of course he does!" Sun said, giving the Specialist an incredulous look. "Why would you think otherwise?" Then the monkey Faunus remembered the last few episodes. "Oh. Right..."

Jaune made his way around the wooden building, intending to head up the path leading up the hillside in front of him. Before he could get too far, though, yet another villager leapt out from behind the the building, pumping a double-barreled shotgun.

"Look out, Jaune!" Pyrrha shouted.

Jaune quickly pulled out his shield, and held it in front of him as the shotgun discharged, blocking the spray of buckshot before returning Crocea Mors to its sheath. The Huntsman's sword quickly shifted into its Claymore form, which he used to slice through the attacker in front of him. The shotgun tumbled to the ground, split in two, one of the villager's arms still clinging to the firearm. A second later, the villager also collapsed, his head rolling away from the stump that had once been his neck.

"Brutal, but unfortunately necessary," Ren said with a sigh, as the other students squirmed around him.

"Jaune is performing much better than he was prior," Penny agreed. "He is now fighting on the same caliber Adam had been last season."

Jaune continued his trek up the sloping pathway, finding a large metal door with a hexagonal indentation waiting for him at the other end of a small, grassy cliff. Unfortunately, so were more villagers. Three stood in front of the gate, brandishing melee weapons, while another two stood atop a small lookout tower, one armed with a rifle, and the other holding a few sticks of dynamite.

"Well, this should prove interesting," Ironwood commented, stroking his chin. "Mr. Arc has been able to handle these villagers easily one-on-one. But how will he fare with crowd control?"

Two of the villagers immediately surged towards Jaune, one swinging an axe at his face as soon as he was in range. The Huntsman dropped into a kneel, avoiding the axe, before spinning into a sweep kick, sending his attacker crashing to the ground. He sprang back up in time to see a hunting knife descending towards his neck. Undeterred, Jaune tossed his Claymore up into the air, before catching the villager's arm by the wrist. The Huntsman turned into a martial arts throw, hurling his attacker off the cliff and into the misty gorge below.

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