"Hush, behave yourself." I say with a more serious tone.

Looking at my reaction, Baguette calms himself and awaits silently. I smile gently and put the feeder on the floor, and fill it with the food. Once done, Baguette starts to eat frantically from the feeder. So cute. I cannot help but squat and pet his soft back while he is eating.

"Guess I'll get ready too." I chuckle.

_ _ _

Like the previous days, I wait dressed casually and well fed in my room on top of my bed browsing with my phone, until the classes are over for Caesar, and maybe for Heron also. At around 15:00pm or so, I leave my home to meet them in the forest. Except this time I have a little reddish and orange fellow to accompany me. After securing the leash on Baguette around his collar, we leave home in a rush.

During our walk, the students we meet cannot help but look in awe at Baguette, who is enjoying the walk and all the attention they are giving to him. Understandable, I have to say, as the average person would not own such exotic and cute pet. The hills are somewhat far away from the student apartment and past the school, so it takes us a while to reach the forest. And then, even further to arrive at the meeting place.

Once we arrive at the cleared area, we spot Caesar and Heron sitting on the grass, near the trees, while having a small conversation between them. The two of them are wearing their white marine school uniforms and carrying their bags. Upon noticing my entrance, they wave their hands to salute me as I approach them.

"Greetings." salutes Caesar.

"Hello!" I salute back and wave my free hand.

"Oh! Dat's ya new pet! He's so cute, pal!" Heron screams out of emotion as he starts to pet frantically Baguette, which he gladly allows himself to be caressed with delight, "What's his name?"

"Baguette." I announce proudly.

"Co'l! What a nice name!" agrees Heron.

I look at Caesar with a mockery face, "See? It's an awesome name."

"If you say so." Caesar stands up and looks at me, "Shall we start, then?"

I nod in agreement and hand Baguette's leash to Heron, who gladly accepts it and keeps playing with the fennett. Caesar and I walk at the center to have some space. There, I inhale deeply and focus in my mind the image of the object I want to create and its properties: a small orb artifact, with all its wires, gears, and a purple mineral. All of these properties are inside of that tiny orb. Having a general grasp of the idea, I try to materialize the artifact. The orb starts to appear slowly, like a 3D printing, in front of me on top of the soil. After nearly forming half of it, the orb starts to destabilize and cracks form all around it, leading eventually to its total disintegration. The test failed again, like all the previous ones done these past days.

I cross my arm and look at Caesar, "I'm starting to think Aelard is pranking us."

"Give me the device." asks Caesar.

I hand over to Caesar a small quadrangular gadget stored in my pocket. He activates the device and a blue hologram screen appears on top of the gadget. The screen shows the blueprint of a complex artifact, with very detailed information about each of its parts. Caesar starts browsing again the information with a concentrated look.

"I still cannot believe this artifact can nullify the magic detection of our collars." says Caesar while looking at the screen.

"I'm more surprised dat Aelard managed t'make Lorra's new collar free from magik d'tection." comments Heron while still playing with Baguette.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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