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Chapter Fifty-Seven:


"Baby, I'm a gangster too and it takes two to tango,
You don't wanna dance with me, dance with me."

Thudding footsteps.



These were the few things that my mind registered as my eyes remained trained on the window in front of me.

The silhouette of a man stopped for a brief moment, to stare at me, before he disappeared into thin air.

A warm coat being wrapped around me, brought me back to my senses and I blinked my eyes down to my feet to see a huge pool of blood around them.

An unconscious Darius was being dragged away by Angelo and… Adrian. Maybe, someone else, too. My mind was unable to process anything else, at that moment.

“We have to evacuate this place, Eirene.” Aegeus said and I looked back at him, blankly.

“Is he alive?” I asked.

His jaw ticked slightly and he grabbed my hand, “We have to leave.”

I opened my mouth but he cut me off in a stern tone, “RIGHT NOW.”

We started walking towards the entrance door, security men dressed in black made a circle around us for protection.

I kept my head down as Aegeus pulled me out of there. The reality hadn’t struck in fully, yet. I knew it. Once the shock wears off, every single thing will hit me like a heavy punch in the gut.

“I want to go home.” I whispered.

“What?” Aegeus asked, as soon as we stepped out.

I cleared my throat and spoke again, “I want to go home.”

He looked at me curiously before finally nodding his head, “I’ll take you.”

I shook my head, “No, I want to be alone.”

“I can’t leave you alone.” He argued.

“Yes, you can. The damage’s been done, already.” I replied and set my hand free from his grip.

He glared at me, slightly, but did not say anything.

He knew I was right.

I turned around to see George standing at the pavement, already waiting for me.

“Please, take me home.” I said to him.

He looked at me, then at Aegeus, and then at Angelo who was already getting inside his car with Darius in the backseat before finally looking back at me.

He nodded his head once and walked towards the car to open the door for me. I got inside, glanced at Aegeus, and shut the door myself.

A moment passed before George finally opened the driver side’s door and settled inside.

“He’ll be fine, miss.” He said as he secured his seatbelt.

I slightly raised my hand in the air and shook my head, “Just please take me home.”

He looked at me, from the rearview mirror, and I noticed how his own face had turned pale and although he wasn’t showing it, he was worried for his boss.

The problem was, for the first time in my life, I felt utterly detached and disconnected to everyone and everything around me.

The engine revved and the car was reversed out of there, in no time.

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