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Luke's pov:

I wake up at 11:00 am and get in the shower. I think about what Alex said about trusting Arya and how Julie doesn't trust her. Do I trust her? No, but I mean I can get to know her like we did with Julie right?

I get out of the shower and get dressed. Arya said we could meet at the café which she sent me the location of. It's not too far from Julie's, like 10 minutes away. I head to the kitchen and see Julie sitting on a stool eating bagels.

"Morning." I say.

"Morning." She responds, not turning to look at me. I walk towards her and sit on the stool closest to her.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Alright, what about you?"

"Fine." I answer. We sit in an awkward silence and I decide to break it. "Are you mad at me?" I question.

"No, why?"

"It just seems like you are."

"No, i'm not." She turns to look at me for the first time since I came out of my bedroom. "When are you leaving?"

"Well, i'm supposed to meet her at 1:00 so i'm going to leave at 12:50"

"Do you know where it is?" She asks.

"Not at all." I laugh. "But i'll use google maps."

"I can take you if you want." She offers.

"You sure?"


"Thank you, Jules." She just nods her head and turns to look at her phone. I decide to take the half eaten bagel on her plate and eat it.



"That's mine." She whines.

"But you weren't eating it." I smirk.


"Fine, say ahh." I say, gesturing for her to open her mouth.

"Ahh," She says, opening her mouth. I put the bagel in her mouth and she bites it. I laugh when I see some cream cheese on her mouth.

"What's funny?" She asks, her mouth full.

"You got cream cheese on your mouth." She grabs the sleeve of her top and wipes on the opposite side of where the cream cheese was.

"Not there." I laugh. "Here" I say, wiping the cream cheese from her mouth and eating it.

"Ew, did you just eat it?" She questions, disgusted.

"Yeah, I did."

"You're nasty."

"Do I not get a thank you for helping you?"

"Hmm.." She pretends to think, "No." She laughs and runs off towards her room but before she even gets to open the door i grab her by her waist and throw her over my shoulder. "Say thank you."

"What if I don't want to?" She questions, while kicking me.

"Then you'll have to deal with the consequences."

"Which is?"

"The silent treatment." I say.

"How childish, that's nothing."

"Oh, really?" I laugh, putting her down.


I walk away from her, not saying anything. "Are you serious?" She asks. I don't say anything and sit down on the couch. She follows and stands in front of me. "Luke." I don't respond and she speaks again.

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