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Julie's pov:

I wake up before Luke and just stare at him, admiring his features. God really took his time with him. "You're staring." He mumbles, with his eyes closed. Oh shit, just as I thought he couldn't be any more perfect, his morning voice says something else.

"No, i'm not." I turn the other way, so i'm spooning him and I feel him tense. He lets out a shaky breath before speaking, "Fuck, Julie."

"What?" I ask, confused. Okay, maybe I wasn't confused and knew why he said what he said or maybe I didn't but i'm leaning more to the second option. He groans but doesn't say anything.

"You doing okay there, buddy?" I question. I feel something hard on my ass and I turn around, my eyes widening.

"Luke, please tell me you did not just get a boner."

"It's not my fault your ass was directly on my dick." He says, defensively.

"So, it's my fault now?" I scoff. "I- partially yes." He responds.

"It is not my fault you're getting horny because I fucking turned around." I say, getting annoyed.

"And it's not my fault you're so fucking hot." He shoots back. My eyes widen even more than they already were and despite what my heart is feeling, I need to listen to my mind. "Thank you, but get out of my room." I declare.

He doesn't hesitate to get out of my room but he stops when he gets to the door. "I am honestly so so sorry." As soon as he says that, he rushes out of the room, probably going to his own.

What a great way to start my morning, huh? No seriously. Despite my annoyance, the fact that he got a boner just because I turned around and ended up spooning him did something to me. I don't know what but I definitely felt something. I'm warning you, don't tell him I said that.

I grab my phone and check the time, 10:34 am. It is way too early for this to be happening to me. I spend a little time on my phone before getting out of bed. I take a shower, brush my teeth and do what I usually do every morning. Once i'm out of the bathroom, I get dressed putting on a pair of grey sweatpants and a matching tank top. I leave my room and go to the kitchen to see Alex cooking.

"Watcha making?" I ask, sitting on the kitchen stool.

"Guess." He smirks.

I look at all the ingredients and instantly know what he's making. "PANCAKES?!" I exclaim.

"Yup, you like them?" He laughs.

"If you couldn't tell from my reaction, I love them. I mean who doesn't love them? You must be crazy if you don't."

"You would be really crazy if you don't" Alex agrees. "FINALLY! Someone who actually agrees with me. Flynn and Carrie think i'm a bit too obsessed." I say, rolling my eyes.

Luke walks into the kitchen and looks at what Alex is making before speaking. "You're making pancakes?" He asks, a smirk on his face while he takes a seat next to me. "Yeah," Alex replies.

I stare at him and he stares back at me, a look of embarrassment on his face. Alex turns around to flip the pancake before Luke whispers "Sorry." to me. "You should be." I whisper back.

"Where's Reggie?" I ask.

"Oh, he's taking a shower." Alex answers. I hum before speaking again. "How was your first night here?"

"It was alright but next time i'll make sure to sleep on a bed instead of the couch so I don't wake up with back pains." He says.

"Yeah, sorry my couch isn't the most comfortable to sleep on." I laugh.

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