"I really am proud of you, Jules."

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Julie's pov: 

I unlock my apartment door and as soon as I let the boys in they argue about who's sharing a bedroom and who's not. "I AM NOT SHARING A BEDROOM WITH REGGIE!" Luke yells. 


"You move around too much and did you know you fart in your sleep." Luke says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. 

"I do NOT." Reggie says, offended. "You do." Luke argues. 

"Just so you know boys, i'm not sharing a bedroom with either of you." Alex says. 

"BOYS!" I yell. They all stop arguing and turn to look at me. "Please, enough with the arguing and since you guys clearly can't pick who's sharing a bedroom I will." I declare. 

"Jules, please do not put me in a room with Reggie." Luke says. I blush at the nickname before quickly speaking. "Alex, you can get your own room, Reggie and Luke you can share argue with a wall if you don't want to." 

Okay I know it's harsh but I thought since Alex is somewhat more mature than the other boys he should get his own room. "I'm fine with that." Reggie says. 

"I'm not." Luke says, pouting. "Sorry Luke but Alex is more mature so I think he deserves his own room." I state, smiling. "Why, thank you." Alex comments. 

"That was the most funniest argument i've ever witnessed." Carrie laughs from the couch. 

We're going to act like I didn't forget Carrie and Flynn were still here. "It was." Flynn says. 

The boys all look at me confused before I remember that they don't know who Carrie is. "Right, boys this is Carrie and you probably remember Flynn." I say, introducing them. "AND they are a together so don't even try flirting with either of them." I announce but mostly to Reggie and Luke. 

"Whaaatt pfft I was so not going to flirt with them just now." Luke says, making his voice go high pitched.  

"Yeah, sure." Alex says, rolling his eyes. The girls laugh before I speak again. "You guys probably already know from the argument but the boys are staying here." 

"Yeah we know." Flynn says. "Oh and Julie we need to clear our lockers." 

"Today?" I ask. "Yeah today, dumbass." 

"Oh, do we need to leave now?" 

"No, in like an hour."

"Okay." I notice the boys standing awkwardly before I start speaking. "Why are you guys still standing? Sit down, you can basically call this your home as well since your staying for 6 months." 

"6 MONTHS?!" Carrie and Flynn yell. "Exactly my reaction and I was surprised they didn't have a place to stay." I mention. 


"Okay, we have to leave now." Flynn says. 

"Can I come?" Luke asks. "We're just going to clear our lockers, we'll be back in the blink of an eye." I tell him. 

"But can I still come?" 

"Simp." I hear Alex mutter. 

"Okay, if you insist." I say. "You guys are fucked if I find out you've stolen from me or burn my apartment down." I warn Alex and Reggie. 

"Don't worry, we won't I mean Reggie might but I won't." Alex says, with a straight face. I glare at him and he speaks again. "Annnnd I most definitely won't let that happen."

"Okay, let's go now." I say to the girls and Luke. 

We walk towards my car and get in, Luke in the front seat and Carrie and Flynn in the back. The school isn't that far from my apartment, it's like 25 minutes away but when driving it's takes about 5 - 10 minutes to get there depending on traffic and today there was traffic. 

"Can you guys stop making out in my backseat."  I declare. 

"Wanna join?" Carrie asks. I roll my eyes and start tapping my feet. "You alright?" Luke asks.

"Yeah, why?" 

"Your tapping your feet." He says, pointing to my legs. 

"It's just a thing I do." I tell him. "Ok." He says and stares at the window. We were stuck in traffic for about 5 minutes now and I was getting impatient so I decided to talk to Luke to make time go by faster. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Great, why?" 

"Just asking." I say. We fall into an awkward silence while hearing kissing sounds from the backseat. 

"They just don't listen huh?" I say to Luke. "I guess not." He laughs. I start driving again as the traffic is starting to get better. "OH MY GOD!" I shout. 

"WHAT?!" Luke, Carrie and Flynn yell. I mean at least my shout got Carrie and Flynn to stop eating eachothers face but no I didn't shout for no reason. I laugh at their reaction before speaking again. 

"Guess what, girls?" 

"What?" They both say. "I sung again." I tell them.

"AHHHH NO WAY, JULIE." Flynn squeals. 

"I was there to witness it." Luke says, smiling.

 "JULIEEEEE I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Carrie comments. 

"Thank you." I say, keeping my eyes on the road. 

Luke grabs my hand that was resting on my lap and kisses the back of it making me blush. "I really am proud of you, Jules." He says softly. "Thank you." I reply in the same tone. 

He doesn't let go of my hand and kept kissing it every few seconds making the butterflies in my stomach explode. I'm surprised we didn't crash. 

We finally make it to the school and I park my car. Luke lets go of my hand so he could get out and I immediately miss his touch. 

I get out of the car and Luke holds my hand again making the butterflies return. I walk to the school, Carrie and Flynn following behind. 

I get a notification and see it's from Flynn. I open it and see 2 pictures, one of Luke kissing my hand in the car and another when he held my hand after we got out the car. 

She sent a message along with it saying 'Seems like your going to lose a bet.' I turn around and see her smiling at me. I look back at the photos and smile at them. 

Maybe I am going to lose the bet.


Long time, huh 

Sorry I haven't been writing I wasn't motivated and I had writers block but IM BACK. 

This is a shorter chapter than usual but I hope yall enjoyed it

Don't forget to comment

Remember to drink water and eat <3 

I love you <3

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