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Luke's pov: 

"LUUUUKKEEE STOOOP!" Julie yells through her laughs, as I tickle her. 

"Shhhh you'll wake up Alex and Reggie." I whisper. 


"FIrst tell me, is Patterson a cute last name?" I ask. 

"No." She laughs. 

"That's what I thought." I say and stop tickling her. 

I notice how close our faces are so I lean down and place a kiss on her nose causing her to close her eyes and scrunch up her nose. 

"What was that for?" She asks. 

"Tu ne comprends pas à quel point je suis heureux de t'avoir rencontré, belle." (You don't understand how happy I am to have met you, beautiful.)

"Something, something, something beautiful?" She questions, with a confused face.

"You got the last part right." I laugh.

"What'd you say."

"Nothing to worry about." I say, nuzzling my head into her neck. 

"Pinchazo." She mutters, as she plays with my hair. (Prick)

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Nothing to worry about." She says, repeating my words. 

 "I'm going to my room" I joke, whilst getting up from the position we were in. 

"Noooooo I want to cuddle." She whines. 

"What'd you say?" 

"You're a hypocrite, you know that?" 

"I know." I smirk. 

"I should've never invited you to cuddle after we watched that movie and the boys fell asleep." She says, turning her back to me. 

"I'm sorry." I laugh. 

"Cuddle?" She asks, turning back to me with her arms out. I climb back into bed and fall into her arms. 

"You just said you should've never invited me to cuddle."

"I only said that so you'd cuddle me again." She says, cuddling into me even further. 

"I said I was really happy to have met you." 

"That's what you said?" 


"I am even happier to have met you. I never knew I was missing someone from my life until I met you." She says. 

"Same here." I reply, kissing her head. 

"Isn't it crazy how close we've become in just a day?" She asks. 

"Maybe we're soulmates." 

"Nah I don't think so. You think my mom brought you to me because she knew I wasn't okay?" She questions.

"It could be possible." I answer. "Or mayyybeee we really are just soulmates." I joke. Kind of. 

"Shut up." 

"Should I really?" I ask. 

"No, I like hearing your voice."

 "Let's take a picture." She randomly says.  

"For what?" 

"To remember today." 

"Ok." She gets out of my grasp and grabs her phone from the bedside table before straddling me. 

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