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It had probably been around a few days, and neither me or Gray have eaten... I had been hit a few more times, mostly due to Gradient waking up scared and making noises. It didn't bother me though, not anymore...cause I knew any minute...any day now my parents would come and save me...I just knew it...
But my moment of happiness and hope was still short lived, as it normally was, as I heard footsteps again. It was only Nightmare this time, and he didn't appear happy.
"Up now"
I gave him a look, trying to tell him what I could no longer say with my nonexistent lips. He saw this and chuckled a tiny bit, clearly finding my attempts of appearing to be anything amusing.
"If you can't stand I can always drag you~ Both."
After hearing that, I silently grumbled to myself and some how got myself up. I shook Gradient awake as well, him standing up next to me. It was hard to keep balance, our legs being bound together and all. Luckily though Nightmare cut the ropes around our ankles, letting us stand a bit easier.
"Walk, let's go"
We did what we were told to, not having much other choice but to do so anyways. We walked the long halls, gripping each others hands tightly as we did so. It was dark...terrifying to...the halls were trashed with some walls chipping with paint revealing stone. I didn't know weather or not it had just gotten like that or if it had been like that for a while, either wouldn't be to surprising though it would've been quick considering everything that has happened so far.
Regardless it didn't matter, because we were now at a door to some room. Nightmare opened it, revealing stairs that descended into a basement. At first I was scared as was I confused, but it wasn't like I could ask what was going on. So with another small shove, Nightmare silently told us to keep going. I didn't fight back and carefully started walking down the stairs.
It took me much more time and difficulty to get down then it did Gradient which was expected considering how injured I was. But Nightmare of course didn't care and just grumbled.
"I've beaten monsters much harder then I've beaten you, and they walked up stairs faster then you're walking down them, hurry up. Now."
It wasn't like I didn't try to, I really did, but with my body shaking and trembling it only lasted so long... This just annoyed Nightmare more like he had warned, and made this already torturous act worse.
He shoved me roughly, causing me to tumble down I think about ten or eight stairs until I landed on the floor with a thud. I was bleeding again, my leg now being broken maybe? It hurt and I cried unsurprisingly, but not very hard and not very much...a lot less then I probably should've considering...
"There, next time move fast like that..."
After that the door was shut, and it went even darker then it had just been before some how and it wasn't convenient in the slightest. Gradient still tried to help me up, and succeeded some how. I limped over to the bed that was luckily in the room with the help of my brother, getting  into it slowly. I'm unsure if it hurt more to lay down then sit, or if I had just adjusted to sitting for so much and so long that I had just adjusted to the pain like that. I didn't know though, my dads probably would...but I didn't...
Seconds after getting me comfortable, Gradient went to leave when I grabbed his hand and made him stay. He looked over at me, his pained eyes staring daggers into mine. Still I patted a spot next to me and he reluctantly laid himself in bed. We got comfy, and shortly after got the first good amount of sleep that we haven't been able to have in a few days.
For me though it was short lived, as I woke up in the middle of the night to some noises above. I didn't know what was going on at first, just heard angry screaming and the occasional running or quiet footsteps that would change into running rather quickly. I recognize the one screaming profanities to be Nightmare...but had no clue who the other one was. That's when I heard a smack, and a loud thud. Who ever had been running had fell to the ground above me, almost right above me actually and began to get beaten. Not long after that did they begin screaming, pleading, apologizing, anything to get the beating to stop...
I didn't know who it was, because I hadn't even heard that voice yet... But even though I didn't it was like I could feel what was happening to him...it was all so real at that moment how stuck I truly was, not even able to comfort or scream for everything happening to him- To stop... Hell I couldn't even when I was getting hit... Heh...hell...seems about right, my Dad would probably murder me if I knew he said that, and then proceeded to copy him in saying it...
But at least then I wouldn't be trapped here...
Suddenly the loud begging stopped, a loud punch or smack with something causing them to...
"Stupid...You stupid Bastard..."
I don't know if Nightmare had nothing better to say, or if he was just to tired to think of anything because that didn't sound like something he'd say...at least not to anyone up there... Then again he just beat them half if not all the way to death, so there's that.
After the beating ended, the dragging began and I honestly couldn't tell you which was worse... Who ever had luckily not died woke up and started thrashing every which way, bumping into and knocking over tables or anything else on the floor until I heard a door open- to hear another unfamiliar but much more matured voice yell and scream at Nightmare to stop, but then the door got slammed shut, and then- silence... ...
I waited for noises, anymore noises...and then I realized that at first I just couldn't hear them, but then the screams got so loud that I once again could... There was no more begging from that first monster anymore...just horrifying screams from the new one coming from a room down the hall, accompanied by the occasional loud bang or thud of something large and probably wooden slamming up against a wall...and maybe even the pounding of fists somewhere else in the room on something thick and maybe also wooden...
I wish I could say I knew what was going on then, with the other supposed adult in that room, that I could prepare for my similar fate that was soon to happen... But I didn't have any idea what was happening to him...or the other voice...and so my blissful ignorance would damn me in the upcoming day... I just didn't know it yet...

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