Imaginary Foe

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I had a nightmare yesterday, it was scary, weirdly so actually... I saw dad, and my two uncles hurt- Maybe dead?- I don't want to think they were but then again I don't believe they were moving... Above them were two men, No three actually. One I recognized...Cross...I saw him around one of my uncles before but then he seemed off... His shirt was tinted a slight red and he could not speak, and from what I could tell he couldn't really move either... The other two were dark boned in color like I was, one even being kind of goopy like the top of my head but not being made of paint... was something else...something bad that I didn't know... The other and last unknown face I saw almost looked like my brother if he didn't have his glasses on, how strange... But not the strangest... Because the weirdest thing was I knew that uncle Dream's magic was meant to keep the nightmares away, or at least that's what my Dad told me and my brother. So it just makes me wonder...
I thought about all of this when I was at the table, eating some breakfast near my brother, Gradient, who was practically glowing. I already knew I wasn't, I probably looked tired maybe even a bit scared... But definitely not happy... Maybe when Uncle Dream comes in here I'll be-... Oh?..
I had to get up to see what was going on around the corner fully, but once I did I saw my dad and uncle Dream... He was crying and dad was hugging him trying to make him feel better... I wanted to make him feel better to but I had no clue what was wrong, or why he was crying...
"Hey Jammy, can you come back over here and finish eating? You shouldn't snoop..."
I heard my uncle Blue call to me, me being reluctant to but still heading back to my seat. I sat down and picked at my food, it was good but I just wasn't in the mood, now more than ever... Uncle Blue must've noticed, so he said something.
"Hey buddy, why aren't you eating?.."
"I...I'm not hungry..."
"Oh come on, I know it's you're favorite... So what's up?.."
"...Who are the two men in the extra bedroom?"
I clearly deflected the question with a complete none answer that some how satisfied Uncle Blue.
"Well those are some of your daddies friends, and right now they have to stay with us."
"Because your dad and uncle Dream are protectors, and they're protecting them by keep them here!"
Just by saying those few words, Uncle Blue got worried again and started asking questions...again... Oops...
"There something else?.. You have that tone..."
"Hm? What tone, I'm ok!.."
"Ya buddy you wouldn't be your fathers son if you were a good liar..."
I grumbled, knowing he was right
"Ok...I just wanna talk to dad about it..."
"Oh that's ok honey! You could've just told me that."
"Oh alright..."
I could still see how worried uncle Blue was for me, and I didn't blame him...I really did look sad...and seem it... My brother clearly picked up on my behavior to, nudging me to get my attention when he finished eating his food.
"Hey will you tell me? I want to know"
"I'm fine, but maybe when dad comes here...I may..."
"...Sorry Gray, I just need to wait for dad-"
"Why do you have to wait for me?"
My dad asked, running up to me and Gradient and scooping me and him into his arms. We were small so he did this easily...
"Hi daddy!
"Hey dad..."
"Jammy? What's wrong?"
"I...I want to talk to, if that's ok..."
"Of course baby, Gray..."
Gently Dad set Gradient down
"Go play so I can talk to your brother-"
Gradient groaned but both me and dad could tell that he wasn't very upset, and walked off without a fight to the playroom. Then Dad moved me a bit.
"Ok what do-"
"Can we talk in my room?.."
"Sure, if you want to!"
I couldn't help but smile, laying my head on Dad's shoulder as he started to walk. There was nothing wrong until I opened my eyes and saw something...or someone?.. I didn't see any unique features, except for the glowing yellow eyes and shaky red pupils of the black silhouette standing on the deck infront of the sliding door... No one was reacting, did nobody see this thing!? How!?
"M-Man- Dad there's a man!"
"Wait what!?"
The fact that Dad even reacted was surprising, especially when he actually turned around. But by the time he did there was nothing?- No one!? Where did-
"There's no one there..."
Even though my dad said that he still walked over to the large glass doors, with me still in his arms. I hated that, because not only was he going over to the door of disappearing men, but now I was to...this should be good...
I could only watch as Dad slowly opened the door, peaking outside and looking all over the place for something that was no longer there... Since there wasn't anybody there, Dad shrugged and brought me back in and closed the door.
"Nothing... You sure it wasn't a bird?"
"Yea! It wasn't a bird! It was a man!"
"Ok, Ok, tell me about the man when we get your room ok?"
I knew I had no chance to change the situation anymore, my dad was content with his choice and I was but the child that just had to agree. So I did...
I begrudgingly said, then getting carried to my room. I was placed down on my bed, dad sitting next to me after he did that.
"So who do you think you saw?"
"I don't know, it was someone..."
"Oh someone? Have you seen this someone before?"
"In a...nightmare..."
"A nightmare?.."
" was scary..."
"Oh honey..."
Dad pulled me into a hug, me returning it as I felt a kiss be placed on top of my head.
"Do you want me to tell uncle Dream to keep an I on your dreams? He would for you."
"He seemed sad, so I just want him to have good dreams, and not look at mine."
"That's nice sweetie...but helping you would make him happy, so are you sure you don't want me to tell him?.."
I thought about it for maybe a minute before nodding, my dad sighing before letting a smile spread across his face, then him planting another small kiss on my temple.
"I don't know who made you so kind my little baby..."
"I'm pretty sure you did"
"Haha, well I definitely tried"
Pulling me into one last hug, my dad spoke again.
"But anyways if you have another nightmare again, you can come to me, I'll let you even sleep in bed."
"Hm, thanks dad"
"Don't mention it kiddo"
Letting go off me, Dad rubbed the top of my head before going over to the door.
"I need to go check on our guests, and I know uncle Dream told you not to go in there...but if you need me..."
"Ok...bye dad"
"Bye honey"
Dad slowly left, closing the door behind him once he had. I sighed once he did. Was it really his fault that he didn't believe me?.. Maybe...but probably not?.. Could I honestly know... Before I could figure that out, I heard my bedroom door start to open again. When I looked I saw Gray on the other side.
"Oh hi Gradient-"
"You had a nightmare?.."
Great, either Gradient was snooping on me and Dad's conversation or Dad told him about it...
"Dad told you?.."
"No, no!- He would never you know that, I just over heard ok..."
"Ya ok...and yes I had a nightmare..."
"Was it...scary?"
"A little...I didn't tell Dad this but I saw Cross...he looked hurt?...maybe, I don't know, he couldn't talk and he wasn't moving..."
"Oh...that isn't good..."
"Did you see something else?.."
I didn't want to tell him about the other men I saw...especially the one that kind of looked like him... But I wanted to be honest to my brother...I mean even the guy I thought I saw today was probably just my imagination...I'm tired...
"There was a man...well two other ones but one I remember well... He was tall...and his"
"What is it?.."
"He...he looked a you...streaks under his eyes...that were yellow and red in color...and he was dark boned like us both..."
"Oh?.. That's...w-well..."
"Weird?... Ya...I know...and kind of stranger was the other guy, he was also dark boned but was pretty gross and goopy..."
"Ya pretty much..."
I heard Gradient continue to say things about the little I told him of my odd dreams...but the figure from before that was now standing in my doorway seemed to be sucking in all of my attention at the moment, his now all to familiar eyes staring me down... And yet I said nothing about it this time...I mean I'm tired...I'm nervous...I had a nightmare...I just have to be imagining things... Now all I can hope is that this stops before it gets excessive...or makes me go crazy...or something happens... But again this can't be real, whatever he is can't be...right?..

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