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There was a man, tall with dark bones like mine- He had glitches like Gray... He looked like he was crying but he wasn't sad...and his eyes...I remember his eyes... He chuckled at me...then introduced himself...
"Seems you remember me well~ I'm Error, and your Dad took something of ours that doesn't belong to him~"
"I-I wanna see him! I'll tell him to give it-"
"No...no you won't. Besides this is the first time I've been able to talk with you like this, I mine as well get to know one of my sons~"
His...sons?.. The figure behind him who was also dark boned but had tentacles and only one eye cackled.
"If you're going to talk to him like that you mine as well be truthful."
"But this is just so much more fun-"
"Get him quiet!- Not complaining more..."
"Fine... But it is true~"
He said I'm his son? I'm not his son- I'm not...he can't be...
"Y-You aren't my dad!- Either of them! They're at home- With my baby brother or sister in Daddies belly!"
"Does he really think that the creature inside my brother is his sibling?"
"Those protectors raised naive children like I said-"
"You aren't my dad! Bring me home!- AH!"
It hurt!- I don't know what he did but it hurt so much! I was crying, it felt like my body was being pulled apart- When really whatever he was doing was just near my arm-...
"Seems rather surprised now, if you stop he might finally shut up."
Error stopped what he was doing to me...the blue strings that were being pulled from my arm falling...leaving maybe a third of my arm just a bundle of strings hanging off of me... It hurt a lot, but the shock and fear I was feeling helped me keep quiet... Error grinned looking at me, as strings around his hand disappeared...the strings that were like the ones stuck to me... I was quiet, which seemed to make the two happy...
"At least you finally did it now go on and do that with their mouths to, said you would."
M-My mouth?-
"I never said I wouldn't, we just have to bring them somewhere other than the doorway?"
"How about the kitchen~"
An almost maniacal smile spread across Error's face, as he looked back down at me and my brother.
I cried, kicked, and screamed for them not to take me or my brother but they didn't listen... They led us into the kitchen, that had a weird stain on the floor...like something had been burned there...it was dirty, gross, and unkept...food rotted on plates that had been piled up in they sink for who knows how long... They threw us over into the corner...
"Wait here, we'll be back..."
"We will? What for?"
"Because Error I said so, now come on"
The Glitched skeleton groaned out in annoyed protest before getting hit with a tentacle and led off without resistance that time... I sat there...holding my hurt arm with my hand...thinking about how much it'd hurt to have something like that done to my mouth...would I even be able to breath?.. If I could would they make it so I couldn't?.. How will I eat?.. Would I be like that forever..?...
Looking down at my brother I saw that he woke up...I wasn't sure what...or if I should tell him anything... Besides they were probably just trying to scare us... Anyways, I watched Gradient sit up...and then noticed what had happened to my arm...
"P-PJ!? What are those strings!? W-What happened to-"
"There's this guy- No two...two guys...one...one was my shadow..."
"Your shadow?- Did he do that to you?.."
"Ya...and he says he's our other dad..."
"Why!? He isn't-!"
"I-I said that...but Gray...you...you look just like him..."
The look Gradient had was...horrible...he was scared...even though he thought he knew better- We just had Ink...that was dad... But really...it wasn't so farfetched anymore...and that was the worst part...
"What about the other guy?.."
"He was all goopy...and I couldn't see one of his eyes...he had tentacles to... He was scary..."
"I'd think...what do we do now though?..we can't leave?.. What do they wanna do with us?.."
That was a question I was scared to hear...even more so to answer... My brother is a lot of things that I'm not, taller, stronger, and plenty of other things...but this...I could handle hearing what I did better than he ever could... Which I hated...I'd really give anything to know that'd he'd take this easier than I was...which definitely wasn't very well... But since I knew he couldn't, I guess I had to lie...
"I don't know yet...I hope it won't be to bad though-"
"Look at where we are though! It already is bad!-"
"W-We don't know where we are Gray, it'll be fine...Dad will find us and bring us home! So don't worry...he'll fix my arm and...we can have a bunch of chocolate! Ya!"
The sad attempt to try and make Gradient feel better...actually worked... He chuckled and smiled a tiny bit...it wasn't much but it was enough to make me feel better...at least a little better...about a few things... But that slight moment of happiness was short lived when I heard familiar and unfamiliar voices start to fade back in... I saw Gradient's expression when he saw Error for the first time...it was probably one that appeared a lot like mine that first time... The other one I saw before was still there...but now they had someone else with them... It was another man...and he looked miserable... His empty eyes sagged...his tear like marks being cracked yet very visible... He looked devastated and awful...which scared me more than anything else was.
"Hello again little friend~"
The tall goopy one cooed, sounding nice but being off... His small smile disappeared once he noticed neither me or my brothers savory looks...
"Anyways...let's begin, Error do the child with glasses first~"
"With pleasure~"
The new man said nothing, only staying still as Error reached out to grab my brother... And I couldn't let him... I grabbed him, pulling his body close to mine and shoving his face in my chest to protect him. Error let out the evilest snear, as he grabbed at me.
"Let him go-!"
"Not him! D-Don't do him!.. Do it t-to me if you have to- But not him!"
The angry snear was replaced by a sinister grin after that almost instantly... And shortly after that he again spoke one last time with a chuckle...
"Hehehe, well if you insist~"
... ... I had- Still have no words to describe what I felt-... It was...the worst experience of my entire life...and probably will be for the rest of it... Gradient would only tell me when we were older, how astonished he was when he finally heard me start to scream...

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