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After a little while, trying to help Ink became chore that could never get done. He was miserable...more than that even...and it wasn't surprising... His kids were gone...he'd like to say they were fine- That even those monsters would never hurt his children...Error's to...but Ink knew better then to have naive thoughts such as those... Dream and Blue watched him, sitting on the couch just letting his emotions run out... Know one could really stop him at this point, but they were of course still worried for him...
"What do we do-"
"Get the kids back?"
"I wish it were that simple Blue..."
"You did with Dust, Horror, and Ink"
"They weren't expecting me then... They are now..."
"I...I know..."
They both felt how hopeless the situation was...but they didn't wanna tell Ink...even though he already know he didn't need to hear it...because he already knew...
"Dust...don't tell me it's not our fault, please..."
"It isn't though-"
Dust attempted to argue, getting shut down near instantly by Horror.
"Dust! They took those kids! They would've never done that if Dream and Ink didn't save us!"
Dust was also holding Horror close in his chest, the tears falling down the guilty beans face that seemed almost never ending... Dust knew better he really did...the did do this...but he can't admit it though...he can't make Horror feel worse now...
"I-I have to go back-"
"What!? No Horror-"
"Dust... Those kids can't be there...if it has to be me...I'm ok with that-"
"You! It wouldn't just be you- But we can't..."
"But I have to..."
"...We...Horror I can't let that happen to you again... I-I have to protect you- keep y-you safe..."
"I just need you to make me happy... It won't be nice there...but...even if you can't protect me I'll still want you safe-"
"No...if...if you're going I am to..."
Dust let himself grip at Horror tighter as he let out a shaky sigh.
"We can't leave from here...we'll have to go front of them..."
"They won't let us-"
"I know...but if we want to help them we have to try..."
"I know Dusty... So...let's go...before Ink gets worse..."
Nodding, Dust let go of Horror and tightly gripped his hand. They were both crying now, but they were still smiling...they were still hoping...that if they did this that it'd at least mean something... Slowly they stepped out of there room, beginning to exit to the front of the house when they saw the stars...and how sad they devastated they were...
"We have to get through that..."
"We can...they'll let us...they have no reason to not let us go..."
Horror nodded in agreeance as they both tried to walk into the room with the grieving stars. When the three first noticed the couple, they were confused.
"Dust? Horror? What are you doing?"
"We're... We're leaving..."
Dream snapped his attention towards Dust and Horror, appearing angry- But truly being scared... With a tiny sigh, Horror looked at the ground and spoke again.
"We're going... We'll bring the kids back-"
"You aren't going! You can't go! This wouldn't-"
"Dream...please...we did this...let us help...let's us get them back..."
"We don't even-"
"Dust and I will go, they won't need them me..."
"He's right you know..."
They all looked over Ink, who up till then had been silent for the entire day... He picked his head up from his chest, his eyes sagging like duffles bags yet still appearing mad, bitter, not afraid though...just enraged.
"You aren't going...there won't be anyone paying for this but the ones that hurt you and took my kids... And I will get them back, but I won't have you suffer to do it..."
He glanced over at his lover and the other couple, his unblinking, empty eyes saying more then words ever could.
"You aren't leaving, not until I know they can't get to you to... I'm not sure if it's here anymore...I never will be... But it's the only place I can try...stay... Let me at least protect you..."
Dust and Horror let they're glances fall on each other...could they really do this now?... They were already scared...and they'd be shattering the already broken heart of a destroyed father more... The protector let out a sigh, letting his head fall back down.
"...Fine we won't go... But we'd get your kids back-"
"I don't wanna loose anyone...I won't...I'm not choosing... I will get my children and you will stay safe..."
No one argued after that...they were all just there to try and help Ink...but it was more than pointless...
Later that night, when Ink was laying in bed with Dream... Dream was struggling to keep it together...he knew Ink was hurt, and being a positivity deity he set his feelings aside...but he truly was struggling now...
"I-Ink...please talk to me...I-I wanna help..."
Hearing nothing but silence, Dream felt tears start to slip out. He couldn't hold it in anymore-... He started balling, his body shooting off of the bed and being cradled by his arms. Ink sat up and look at it Dream.
"I-I- They- I LOVE THEM TO! A-And I- I..."
Feeling his body get tugged into Ink's, Dream breathed...tried to calm down...
"I love you so much... I knew you were hurting Dream...I know... I...I just knew you'd never say it... I know you'd help me...that you'd try...but my Sunshine I know you hurt to...please tell me sooner next time..."
Looking up at Ink, Dream finally saw tears start to drip down his exhausted face.
"So I can be there for you to..."
With a sniffle, Dream also wrapped his arms around Ink...
"O-Ok- I'll try... I will..."
"Thank y-you *Hic*"
They held one another close that night...closer then any night before...they didn't sleep...didn't think...just cared...and hoped...

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