Our Worries

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The thing that should've made Dream happier than he ever could've thought, was the singular thing that made him shed tears in bucket loads. He couldn't stop crying, not even when Ink tried his best to comfort him...but it was impossible for him, for anyone, to stop Dream's tears from flowing...
From outside the room, PJ stood at the door... Hearing the sobs...the cry's...that came from Daddy... It was sad, what ever it was...but that 'whatever it was' didn't stay a mystery for long...his shadow telling him what was happening...
"You're going to have a new sibling it seems~ Nothing to special, not even you're actual blood...other than Gradient, no one ever will be..."
"Be quiet, if Daddies pregnant- Um... If they're pregnant, then I'd love the baby...it'd still be my brother, or sister..."
"But never you're true family"
PJ grumbled, walking up to his Dad's door about open it.
"They will, and I'll tell them that-"
Turning around, PJ saw Horror standing behind him.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh um nothing, just going to see my parents."
"Ok- Um..."
Just the hearing the crying, Horror realized that maybe then wasn't the best time for PJ to go see them.
"PJ, they seem busy... They might need some time alone, you understand?"
"But...they're sad...about the baby..."
"The baby?.."
"Ya, they're having a baby..."
"How...do you know that?.."
PJ should've said something then...but he didn't... He thought it was ok, his Dad already knew so it was fine...right?..
"I...just do..."
Horror didn't want to call PJ out, he was just a kid...and it didn't matter, at least not at the moment...not compared to what had to be going on inside Ink's room.
"Well ok, how about this, when they come out you can talk to them... But they need time to talk about it, alright?"
"Ok, you allowed to watch tv?"
"Wanna go do that?"
PJ nodded, so Horror smiled and patted him on the back.
"Ok go do that, and wait for them..."
"Ok, thanks"
"Don't mention it kid"
PJ ran off to the living room, leaving Horror alone. He sighed, looking up at the door where all the noise were coming from.
Turning around Horror saw Dust, appearing a little confused.
"He Dusty..."
"What's going on?.. Is Dream crying?.."
Dust could tell that Horror was feeling a little off, so he walked closer and wrapped his arms around Horror's waist.
"What's wrong?.."
"Oh nothing, Dream's pregnant and well..."
Dust felt bad, pulling Horror closer and resting his head on the back of his.
"He's scared, worried, I would be to... Don't think I'm upset that he's crying about having kids, especially now..."
"I know you would never be... But still, I can't help but feel like we brought this sadness... Corrupting this supposed to be happy moment...or at least some what happy surprise."
"Ya...I feel it to...and it makes feel bad but what could we have done?.. Tell them to leave us...after what Dream did...after we heard what was about to happen... We couldn't, to us or to them...we'd be more than miserable, and they'd be feeling overwhelming guilt instead of fear..."
"That could've been worse..."
"It would've been, yes..."
Taking Dust's hands off of his waist, Horror turned around and looked at the hooded skeleton with a smile as he cupped his cheek.
"They'll be fine... Just like I said before, they will be..."
"I know-"
"What are you doing?"
Hearing a rather young voice speak to them, the two looked to see Gradient, who was still eating something and staring up at them.
"Oh hi Gradient"
"Hi Horror, who's this?"
"Um this is my friend, Dust"
"Cool, and I like his eyes, they're cool like yours."
Looking to Dust to respond, Horror nudged him lightly to get him to speak, which he did.
"Oh Um, ya thanks kid..."
"Welcome. I'm gonna go see PJ now, see ya"
"Ok by-"
Before Dust really had a chance to say bye to Gradient, he left. Horror chuckled a little before sighing.
"You tried Dusty, you tried"
"I guess... But anyways we should go before that crying gives me a migraine-"
Dust laughed as Horror grumbled and dragged him back off to their room.
A few minutes after they left, Dream had started to 'calm down'. He was sniffling lightly in Ink's tight, loving embrace as tears still dripped down his yellow stained cheeks. Ink, even though he wasn't crying, was also sad or better put worried...
"Any other time...any other time then now and I'd be happy, maybe a little anxious but still happy... But not now..."
"I know Dreamy...but it'll be ok...it'll...be..."
Dream sighed, looking up at Ink and trying to wipe his tears.
"You don't have to say it'll be ok...I know it will be... Even if it doesn't seem like it now..."
"G-Good...because I'm having trouble saying it..."
"That's fine Ink..."
Gently cupping Ink's cheek, then leaned their heads against one another.
"It is...so let's t-try and calm down...ok?"
"I should be telling you that..."
"We need each other, so it's ok..."
Realizing that they both needed some support that they at the moment couldn't give each other, Dream helped them both lay down. They snuggled up in each other's arms and breathed, trying to calm one another down, or at least themselves...
"...Nightmare's gonna find out, isn't he?.."
"He could..."
"Ya...and what would he do if he did?...when he does..."
"I don't want to think about it, I mean he was sick before... But now? God I don't know..."
Letting go of Ink, Dream rolled over and sighed.
"He made it so Horror couldn't have kids...he's destroyed AU's filled with children-"
"He's giving my son nightmares now...making him see things that aren't there..."
"If only that was the worst thing he did..."
"Hehe ya, can only imagine if it was..."
"But...really...what if he did what he did to Horror...to me... I wouldn't know what to do..."
"Don't worry, that won't happen...they don't want Horror and Dust back that bad...they couldn't...there's no way..."
Reaching down, Ink grasped Dream's hand in his own shakely.
"There's...no way..."

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