Coming To Terms

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Slowly, Horror woke up in a random bed that he had never found himself in before. He felt tired...weirdly exhausted actually... It took him a minute to remember what had happened, but once he did the only thing he could do was smile.
"We're...gone...we actually escaped..."
The second he made any sound, Horror heard shuffling and scrambling from outside the door. Then the door swung open, Dust standing in the doorway looking over at Horror. Horror had to hold in a chuckle as he smiled and waved at Dust.
"Hi Dust- Oh?"
Dust rushed over to Horror, pulling him into his arms.
"You're ok!- I mean you were ok before but-"
"Did something happen?"
"I mean...nothing to bad!"
"Ok, but I'd still like to know if that's alright"
"Um sure, if you really want to..."
"Is it actually that bad?.."
"No I just said it wasn't!"
Horror couldn't help hut laugh a little as Dust let him go.
"I know, but you keep acting like it's a big thing..."
"It isn't, just not sure if you want to here about it..."
"I'll be ok, I'm not a big baby like you~"
Again Horror snickered, leaning on Dust caringly.
"I'm just messing with you~ But anyways, what happened?"
"...You remember the first time I found out what was happening to you, how I found you?.."
"I-... Oh, yes I do..."
"Ya...well apparently Nightmare was using his magic to keep you stable enough to make you compliant... So when you went through the portal and escaped, Nightmare must've stopped doing that and well you kind of just crashed like you did then... I was able to get you under control the same way I did before...and afterwards Dream used his magic to start to get you better..."
"Ok...and am I?.."
"I definitely think so"
Getting pulled into another hug, Horror smiled and returned it happily. When they both parted a little, Horror cupped Dust's cheek.
"Now I think you deserve a little something for helping me out so much."
"Oh? Like what- Mm~"
Dust let out a tiny groan into the short, kind kiss that Horror tugged him into. It didn't last long, but long enough for Dust to try and go in for more but get turned down by Horror as they pulled away. Dust was a little confused, until Horror started to speak.
"Dust...I need you to give me time to get used to this... Even after that more than interesting night a couple of days ago, that wasn't our choice and it wouldn't have been..."
"You can only think of those two...can't you?.."
"You to?.."
"Ya... But hey I definitely get it..."
Grabbing onto Horror's waist, Dust picked him up and hold him close.
"We didn't want that then...hell the only thing you were was scarred that they would do to me what they did to you..."
"I would've been sad if anything like that happened...and probably a hell of a lot more... You had feelings that were rather misplaced-"
"Hey, there was nothing misplaced with the way I felt about you..."
"Hehe...I know... But I was going to say at the well we shouldn't have anything to worry about."
"That makes me happy~"
"It should"
Horror giggled feeling Dust nuzzle into his cheek and plop him back onto the bed. Horror continued to laugh and giggle as Dust kept doing this, until they both heard someone start to open the door. Quickly stopping what they were doing, the both of them laughed awkwardly as Dream opened the door with a big grin on his face.
"No, no, you two didn't have to stop, I'm very glad to hear you both happy! And feel it..."
"I keep forgetting that you can do that"
"Most people do, it isn't a big deal Horror"
Letting out a tiny giggle, Horror smiled anxiously.
"Something wrong?.."
"No I'm just getting used to this..."
"Oh well alright, I get it..."
Dream went over to the bed that Horror was on and sat next to him.
"After what you went through Ya this would definitely be different... And as much as I don't want to ask about what did happen..."
"Do you have to?.."
"Me and Ink...we want to know... Cross was around the kids...around me... And we thought he was better..."
"It's ok to be wrong...he made sure he was stable around everyone else but me and the others..."
"That makes sense..."
Dream was reluctant to ask his question, but did wanting to know the answer.
"What happened the day he...he..."
Though Dream wanted to know, he just couldn't get the words out of his mouth. Horror noticed and chuckled lightly before answering the question Dream couldn't bring himself to ask.
"For him I think it was about power...the thought of easily being able to control and toy with something so easily... He loved humiliating me, infront of the others, showing me off in ways that they'd never even thought of...until he did... That day though, for him at was a simple get up... But even so he thought it was just fun...maybe even like he was playing with a real toy and yet all I could think about was how horrible it was to be the victim of his delusions...
Before he was or did anything like that though he was told to distract you wouldn't find out about everything... When he fell for you one point it really was love...I know that... But when Nightmare finally some how succeeded in getting rid of his justice...his care... The only thing he could do was think he loved you when he couldn't, and deep down knew he was doing it just to keep his filter under wraps...
When that happened...he truly went mad... He didn't feel right, and all of those incidents were finally the things that must've broke the camels back...and yet until that day I hadn't really noticed the difference... But then...I saw him up close...his bagged eyes with beady pupils...I heard the small mumbles between his sentences...and his reactions to the things he did that he knew were wrong but...well you get the gist... Did I care though, about him?.. No...he had held my body over a pan of burning hot oil as he tried to show me who was skin then soon to start sizzling and cooking after that... making me ball... From where I was I couldn't even see him, but from where I was I could hear Nightmare's at first angered, but then disappointed response about having to deal with Cross... I miss who he was...but I don't miss him now..."
Dream's entire body shook as he attempted to keep himself together...he killed Cross...when he wasn't himself?.. That had to be why he did all of those horrible things, he wasn't himself!-... But Dream still killed him...he was still dead...
"I-I killed him...because Nightmare changed him into something he wasn't-"
"Dream...he was always somewhat like that... Don't try and convince yourself that he was ever good...he did things to me even before his break..."
"...Do you really want to know?.."
Even though he was reluctant, for good reason, Dream still nodded. Horror sighed, knowing that telling Dream wouldn't make him feel better...but wouldn't make him feel worse...
"He beat me...mostly to get his angers or frustrations out... The thought at the time must've been that since everyone else was doing stuff like that then it was ok...or ok enough to do once...then again... Hitting me like that probably made it easier for Nightmare to get control of Cross's negative emotions... But when he started using me in other ways, it probably made it even easier..."
"He...He raped you didn't he?.."
"Dream you shouldn't just-"
"No Dusty...he's not wrong..."
Horror saw that Dream was doing at least a bit better now, knowing that Cross was definitely not a good anything...even though he hated the fact that he was fooled by him... Knowing this Horror went on only a bit longer...
"Yes, he did rape me... Because he only became a control thing after the third time, because apparently he had you to feel good with... His words not mine..."
"I...I see..."
Horror stared at Dream for a moment, looking at his shaking body...
"...I'm not going to ask if you're ok... Because I know you aren' shouldn't be and you won't be for a while... And I'm not gonna say I get it...your pain is your own, and it's something I wouldn't be able to understand...and that's ok..."
"Haha...I feel like I should be saying that to you..."
"You don't have to... Everything you've done for me and Dust is enough...and besides I feel like you needed to hear that..."
"I guess I-"
"Um hey Dream?"
Hearing his name get called, Dream turned to see Ink standing in the doorway of the room him, Dust, and Horror were in.
"I didn't want to interrupt, but breakfast is ready... You can come get something if you'd like, and I'll bring those two some food..."
"I... Ya...I'd like that..."
Slowly Dream stood up, turning to look at Horror after he did.
"Thanks for telling me that...we'll have more questions...but I just had to know..."
"I get it and you're welcome..."
Horror waved Dream bye, as he followed Ink off into the kitchen to get something to eat. Once they were gone, Dust turned to face Horror.
"How do you think he'll do? Knowing all of that..."
"He'll be ok...maybe not now... But someday...he will be..."
"Just like you will..."
Horror smiled, feeling Dust sit next to him and pull him into another hug.
"Might not be any time soon but you will be..."
"I's just gonna take a while..."

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