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"So how do you think the baby is?"
"I wish I knew..."
Horror grumbled to himself, his knees to his chest as Dust rubbed his back.
"PJ was there, can't imagine what he's feeling right now, seeing something like that..."
"He's a kid Horror, and besides Ink's probably talked to him...he hopefully knows-"
"Did we do this? All of this-"
"Horror, for everything you try to blame yourself for, there's nothing here that could ever be your fault. This didn't and couldn't have happened because of you."
Though Dust was definitely right, this was in now way Horror's fault... But was it really so absurd to think that I felt guilty about all of this? If I never arrived this never would've happened and well, that would've been better for everyone... Dust would still be ok, the stars that were much to nice to us would still be joyful and happy, those children...they wouldn't have to stuffer like they were...
"...Hey Dust, I'm gonna go talk to PJ, I wanna see how he's doing."
"You sure that's a-"
"Yes...please I want to, I love being in here with you but I can't stay this cooped up all the time because you're worried."
"I know, I know, we have to find a better solution, but that won't be for a while-"
"But a walk down the hall won't kill me"
Dust thought, looking down at me then back up again as he stood up. He helped me do so as well, taking my hand in his once he had.
"I'd rather not risk it, I'll go with you"
I knew he was just worried, so I laughed, and gripped his hand back tighter than I knew he could ever grip mine.
"I'll keep a good eye on you to then~"
"You only have one anyways~"
"Pfft- Yep I guess I do"
We both laughed, leaving our small yet rather tighty room. The hall was dark and mostly empty, panted a light pastel yellow color with small toys and such scattered on the floor, while there were picture on walls of photos or children's art. It was so pleasant compared to what empty hallways I'd used to travel daily, it made me smile.
"You like these kids, this place, don't you?"
Getting snapped out of my daze I turned to Dust and let out an awkward chuckle.
"Yes, they're very good kids, and they're lucky to be here."
"And now so are we, and we'll all be ok"
"I know..."
I tugged at Dust, pulling him closer to me
"I'm getting used to that fact still though"
"Everyone noticed, especially when you made that massive breakfast buffet-"
"Hey! I was being nice and great full!.."
"Haha!- I know Horror I was just picking on you!"
Dust continues to chuckle as we made it to the colorful door to PJ's room. It was covered with paint, probably from many fun times before now. I first knocked then slowly opened the door with Dust still near.
"PJ? You in here-? Where is he?"
"He isn't there?"
Ignoring and not answering Dust's question, I went into the room that should've held a sleeping PJ. I turned the lights on a few seconds after entering, and froze when I found what I did. Dust was probably gonna ask why I seemed so surprised- But just as quickly noticed the horrifying scene before us both.
The room was covered wall to wall with an all to familiar black tar like substance, and on the ceiling hung dozens if not hundreds of strands of teal strings. Neither me or Dust had any words to describe what we were seeing, what we were feeling... I staggered back, stumbling onto Dust who caught me and held me close.
"What...what happened?.."
"Dust...Ink...go to Ink..."
I wasn't warned when I was suddenly tugged by Dust. We were walking- No more slightly running, to Dream's room where Ink was.
The couple was laying together, relaxing and being rather calm for how stressed they had been, when the door swung open. The two jumped, looking and seeing Horror and Dust, along with their grim expressions.
"Horror!?- Dust!? What the-"
"Ink P-PJ's gone, a-and his room-"
"Wait- What do you mean PJ's gone!?"
Horror didn't have a chance to tell him, Ink getting up and pushing past him and Dust before he could. The scream that rang through out the castle was heart breaking... And the one Dream let out when he went to see what happened was even worse...
They couldn't find PJ, and then they went looking for Gray...neither of them could be found anywhere... Ink was devastated, the guilt washing over him the moment he knew he lost his children. Both Dream and Blue tried to comfort him will being horribly devastated and distraught themselves. Horror watched all this sadness...and felt awful about it...about everything...
"I...I feel so bad-"
"You know I can't help it Dust! Look what happened- What's happening!?"
"It isn't you're fault-"
"Would this have happened if we didn't show up!? If we just stayed!?"
"Horror I don't-"
"Yes you do Dust!- Y-You do..."
Horror whimpered as he looked down at the floor and sighed.
"Please what-"
"Tell me, what you think..."
"What I...I..."
Horror stood there and waited for any kind of answer to come out of Dust- When one just didn't... Horror turned around, gripping his arms tightly and whining.
"I thought so..."
"No Horror please-..."
Dust watched Horror walk away, and he wanted to go after him but...he didn't...he knew  Horror didn't need that now...he just wished he could be there for him...during such another hard time...
...I...Where am I?..
"It seems you've gotten what we need?"
Who is that?..
"Who said we needed them? Hell they're barely awake-"
"But they will get up, you know how hard it is to pass through..."
"...I guess..."
Where's Gray?.. I want my dads...who are these guys?..
"D-Dad? Daddy- Where are they?-"
"God damnit...that one woke up-"
"P-Please! I want my Dad!"
"Guh- Could you please get it to shut up!"
Why are they saying stuff like that!? Oh no
t-they're taking the thing of my-...
A small chuckle slid its way out of the monster before PJ just before it began to speak.
"Well hello again little friend~"

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